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Mags Fitness Longford

leanaboy, Longford, Ireland
Sports & Recreation



Wide variety of fitness classes in County Longford CLASS SCHEDULE
Monday: 7.00-7.30pm Running outdoors Ballymahon
7:30-8:00pm Core Blimey Dean Egan Ballymahon
8.15pm Zumba Dean Egan Ballymahon

Tuesday:9.30am Total Body workout Edgeworthstown Community Centre
Backstage Theater : 7pm Zumba
: Drumlish Community Centre: 8:30-9:30pm ZUMBA

Wednesday: Edgeworthstown Community Centre: 9.30-10.30 am
7pm Kettle bell HIIT AND 7.30 Core Blimey and 8.15 pm Step Aerobics The rustic Inn Abbeyshrule

Thursday 9.30 am Step Aerobics Edgeworthstown Community

Friday: 9.45 Step Aerobics Edgeworthstown Community Center:
ZUMBA Backstage Theater
Edgeworthstown Community Centre:8.30-9.30pm ZUMBA

Saturday: 9am run location varies please contact me :)



Zumba®Fitness this Tuesday night in Longford and Zumba®Kids and Kids Junior back from next week :)

Every bit counts

Sorry for late notice no Zumba ® Kids today !!

New class schedule starting Tuesday the 3rd of April. I really appreciate your input, what classes would you like? I will be making a few changes so please comment here or message me, all classes will run in a block up to June bank holiday weekend, classes for the rest of this week as follows Tuesday 7pm Zumba, Wednesday 4.15 pm Zumba Kids Junior, 5 pm Zumba Kids, 7.30 pm body conditioning, Friday 6 pm Circuit training and 7.30 pm Step Aerobics, NO STEP THURSDAY 9.45 am this week 😊

Exactly ...


Zumba® at 7 pm tonight at Fitness Beauty Sunbeds Top Floor Daingean Hall N4 Axis Centre Longford :)

Thanks for you patience and understanding this week, and all the nice messages too! I'm getting back on track, managed my 2 classes tonight, I will be flying again by Tuesday, I guess we can only learn compassion and empathy by experiencing pain and inability even if only for a short time! So grateful for my measure of good health and returned ability to put on my own socks (something I couldn't do for the past few days) wishing you all a safe and happy weekend

Sometimes it's hard to practice what you preach. I've been putting off going to the chiropractor and getting back to regular massage treatments. Self care is so important, I'm paying the price now laid up on my back feeling sorry for myself, just give me 48 hours and I'll be back on track, I have my diary out now and I'm marking in regular treatments ... As a mother (all children grown up now) I think you get used to putting everyone else first and feeling guilty about spending time and money on yourself and it's knowing the difference between being selfish and essential self care.... We all have things to work on, you get reminders every so often about that...Look after yourself! Are you due a medical check? Massage ? Trip to the chiropractor? Get booking, do something that's really important for your health today 😊😊😊 or just hug a tree 😂😂

Winner of 10 free classes from International Women's Day draw! I look forward to seeing you soon Suzanne 😊

All classes for today cancelled, back tomorrow I hope! 🙁🙁


NEAR Mags Fitness Longford