Limerick Canine Physiotherapy
Limerick Canine Physiotherapy is a dedicated veterinary physiotherapy referral service located at Treaty Veterinary Clinic in Limerick. We offer an extensive range of rehabilitation therapies aimed at providing pain relief and optimising healing while regaining and maintaining core strength stability, proprioceptive function and joint and muscle function, strength and endurance. We also offer clinics for patients following orthopaedic surgery and specific clinics for elderly animals aimed at reducing stiffness and muscle weakness, providing them with the best possible quality of life.
Limerick Canine Physiotherapy is run by a fully qualified Veterinary Physiotherapist, committed to working with you and your pet to reach planned treatment goals while using set outcome measures to continuously reassess your Pet's progress.
By appointment only. Home visits are also available.
Please note Limerick Canine Physiotherapy works only through veterinary referral, please request a veterinary referral form for you and your veterinary surgeon to complete prior to making an appointment.
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facebook.com5 Signs Your Dog Is In Pain
Limerick Canine Physiotherapy's cover photo
How to Help Pets with Arthritis Stay Comfortable In the Cold Months - Petfinder
Dogs Trust Ireland
Mobility Management in Elderly Pets
National Association of Registered Canine Hydrotherapists
Timeline Photos
Nice mention in last weeks Limerick Leader, despite the obvious typo!! ☺️
Timeline Photos
One of my faves, Sean, after his Physio session in Galway this morning. Sean is the sweetest boy, love seeing him come in the door! 💜
Timeline Photos
The handsome Coalie was in for a Physio session this evening! Hard to be believe that he just celebrated his 16th Birthday!! Great little dog!
10 Toys To Keep Your Pup Entertained
For those struggling to keep dogs on crate rest entertained! (Obviously not the agility or digging options!) ☺️