Blood Bike Mid West Ireland is a charitable organisation that provides FREE transport to the HSE, private hospitals, clinics & hospices. We operate an out of hours service using volunteer riders to save money. This can then be put back into primary care.
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A HUGE thanks and well done to Dave O'Donoghue, who completed his first shift with us today. He was not even out the gate of the depot this morning when an urgent request came into our control Centre. Welcome to Blood Bike Mid West.Dave :) And thanks to Darragh McDermott who was out and about in Clare and Tipp. You guys are fantastic.
Photos from Blood Bike Mid West's post
A big thanks to Dave Scullane, Anthony Meehan and Richie O'Connell who are on duty today on a wet cold day in the Mid West
Photos from Blood Bike Mid West's post
BBMW volunteers attending Cardiac First Response training today. A big thanks to Eddie, Maria and Shane of St. John Ambulance for organising and running this fantastic course.
Last Sunday
What could be better for the soul, than a morning shift in the Mid West,which involved runs to/from Limerick, Clare and Tipperary, followed by an afternoon ride-out in support of a fantastic cause, the Daughters of Charity. (Ride-out organised by Buachaill Dana Motorcycle Club, Castleconnell) And well done and thanks to Blood Bike Mid West Volunteer and cameraman William Campbell and to everyone who participated in or supported today's ride-out. And a huge thanks to all at Buachaill Dana and their families for organising today.
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In the last few minutes our contoll centre received confirmation from our volunteer rider Richie O Connell that the linkup with BBS has taken place in Charivlle. This completes BBMW part in a 3Way linkup between BBW, BBS, and ourselves to get an urgent sample from the west coast in Galway to the south coast in Cork a distance of 200km. Bbs are now on the final leg of the journey. 3 Blood bike groups working in seamless cooperation to get the job done. Well done , and safe travels to all riders.
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Richie doing a link-up in Gort with BBW, for an urgent cargo on its way to Cork
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As our volunteer rider Richard o Connelly was about to finish his routine collections in Ennis Nenagh and Croom an urgent call came in from BBW to get a medical sample from Galway to CUH in Cork. Richard is now on route to linkup with BBW in Gort to collect the sample and then ride south go Charleville where he will linkup with Blood Bike South who will complete the delivery. Well done to all riders and controllers.
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As darkness becomes light, volunteer riders Mike Shanahan and Richie O'Connell are on duty in the mid west today
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Please support this, for a fantastic cause.
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Please take extra care on the roads, we all need to get home safely. 😎🖒
Photos from Blood Bike Mid West's post
As the long weekend comes to an end our volunteers can hopefully take a little time for themselves and their families. It was a fairly busy weekend for us with a total of 39 jobs completed. The Limerick city marathon on Sunday saw most of the city closed off but even so we had no problems getting our runs done. Thanks to all our volunteers and supporters.