Walkin Gp
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facebook.comwhat is the best treatment of obesity ? Exclude metabolic and family reasons , then watch and burn what you eat.
Question ; what age hepatitis vaccine and typhoid could be given before holidays.?? vaccine for typhoid fever can be given over 02 years age, similarly hepatitis A and b --- as twinrix .. Haverix, --hep A , age 2 onward malorone one day before journey and then continue untill return. children and adults has different doses
Some time people asks what is the secret you stay and not gaing weigt and stay young , which you should n't ? Will my best best health comes from one word , eat everything, dont worry about any thing, just burn all your calories and burn all your savings, live one day at a time and enjoy every days as it comes.
The month of the january is going away, we are progressing to a better achievement , soon we will be celebrating , We hope that every body is good spirit , we owe it to all our friends.
A roasted duck will never fly to a mans mouth , he has to wait for a long time. We have to work for our achievements and what we want. The man sleeping under the shadow of a tree could wish only if some thing comes to his mouth without struggling for it.
What a joke , when you work hard , you will punish for it? the Harder you work , the more you have to pay .
A free consult for those who like the walkin gp/
innovation of ideas , the service people like , is useaully stopped by those in control , in democracy beurocracy is still a powerful tool.
Did you know majority of the people don't know if they are diabetic. untill before a greater damage is done. It won' t happen to me. So be vigilant and make sure you keep an eye on your health ,/ High blood pressure is another innocent looking problems but you can have stroke and renal problems if you don' t take action.
A pseudo seizure is not epilepsy , it is brought by extreme emotions and patient recovers , useually if left alone , The siezure has no pattern. The person is usually hyperventilating and trying to keep her eys shot ----but still wobly.
Free health check
The big bang is comming , we will see changes in our work patteren.