White House Limerick Poetry
White House Limerick Poetry White House Limerick Poetry holds an Open Mic session every Wednesday at 9.00pm at the White House Bar in the hearth of Limerick City; all poets are welcomed to read their poems in a relaxed, friendly and supporting atmosphere. The Open Mic is followed with a reading by a published poet, giving the opportunity to less experienced poets to meet and chat with more experienced colleagues and to poetry lovers to listen and meet great poets.
This event was started in 2003 by poet Barney Sheehan and since then it has been on every week, making the White House a landmark in the cultural life of Limerick City.
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Goodbye Barney Sheehan! We will always remember you like this... full of life! Reposing at Thompsons' Funeral Home on Tuesday from 6pm Removal at 7:30pm to Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Church, Ennis Road Requiem Mass on Wednesday at 11am Burial afterwards in Kenyon Street Cemetery, Nenagh