Little Blessings Mum n Tots
We are a group of Mums who meet together every Thursday from 10-12pm at Letterkenny Baptist Church. Plenty toys for children of preschool age, plenty of tea for the Mums! Dads, Grannies, Aunties and Childminders welcome too!
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facebook.comLooking forward to seeing all our mums and Tots tomorrow! New year, same us! 10am, see you there!
Just 2 more weeks left of Mum and Tots before the Christmas break! This week join us again for fun and friendship with a cup of tea at the usual time of 10-12midday. December 15th sees our end of year Christmas Party! Festive jumpers and hats welcome as we enjoy mincepies and warm fruit punch to end our year in style! All very welcome! Tell your friends
Even with the weather being so frosty and cold out; be assured we are all stations go for our Thursday meet up! The heating will be on as well as the kettle! 10am-12 midday
Hi everyone!! Hope you all had a great summer! We are opening the doors again on the 22nd Sept, for a new season of Little Blessings and are really hoping to see you back again! Feel free to invite anyone you might know who could come, We love to see new faces! ****THURSDAY 22nd SEPTEMBER 10-12pm****
Timeline Photos
It was so great to have sunny weather to be at the park yesterday! Reminder to all that next week is the LAST Little Blessings of this season. Teddy Bears Picnic is planned so don't forget your teddy!!
Timeline Photos
Great news! Little Blessings is back Live and Kicking tomorrow morning from 10am! We're really looking forward to catching up with everyone and dont forget to tell your friends!
Delighted to have our room full of noise and fun on Thursday with new faces joining us! Next week 18th February NO LITTLE BLESSINGS due to Midterm but we'll be back with bells on!
Ladies a last call for any supplies for the Belarus appeal...drop off any nappies, clothes etc to the church by tomorrow afternoon as am going to deliver them then to Myrtle. Appreciate everyones help in this and thank you to those who have already donated.
*******Ladies*******ATTENTION PLEASE!*********** My good friend Myrtle and husband Alan have launched their annual appeal for nappies/clothes/toiletries and medication for the Vesnova orphanage in Belarus. This collection is done on behalf of the Chernobyl Kilkenny Outreach Group who do fantastic work in the Belarus. There are 170+ children in this orphanage and conditions are not ideal by any means but have improved considerably with the help of lots of volunteers and groups. Last year they sent 15,000 nappies and a large consignment of clothes, shoes, toiletries, toys, play equipment and vital medications from Donegal. So this week doing your shopping could you throw in an extra pack of nappies or wipes? Or have you a buggy you no longer use or have done a clear out of clothes? Please bring them to group either this Thurs or next and we will arrange delivery.
Guess whose on night duty LOL!! But Violet and Julie will be there with bells on tomorrow!! Looking forward to seing and hearing all the Christmas news! 10-12pm!