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Killorglin Community Council

An tSean Scoile, Killorglin, Ireland
Non-Profit Organization




Irish Examiner

Lorraine MacDonnell’s work in Killorglin, Co Kerry, commissioned as part of K-Fest and aimed at raising awareness of the plight of the honey bee.

Irish Examiner

It Runs in The Family" - CYMS Players (22/23/24/29/30/31 March)

It Runs in The Family" - CYMS Players (22/23/24/29/30/31 March)

K-Fest Music & The Arts

K-Fest Music & The Arts

Killorglin Archives

Delighted to be involved with Biddys Day

Killorglin Archives

Biddys Day

Biddys Day

Biddys Day

Biddys Day

Biddy's Day Parade

Don't miss The Biddys Day Parade which will be leaving THE FISHERY at 7:00pm on the 4th February! Loads of local Biddy groups will be wearing their traditional costumes and join them on their way up to Library Place. Click on event for further details. Feel free to like & share :) Support this great new Killorglin festival!

Biddy's Day Parade

The Ceannouvoree Biddy Ball

On Biddy's Day, the 4th February, it's all happening in Boyles' Old Hardware Store! At 16:00 Tom Doyle will be hosting a historical talk on The Ceannouvree Biddy Ball and Killorglin in 1918. As an added bonus, Majella Cahillane will be singing this Killorglin classic - you don't want to miss it...

Killorglin Chamber Alliance

Killorglin's Newest Festival 'BIDDYS DAY' will happen for one day only on Saturday February 4th 2017!! Can't wait. Just 4 weeks left and plans are coming together great. Programme of events to be released very soon. Check out the biddys, the unique BIDDY PARADE and a variety of pubs hosting traditional sessions and gigs and much much more for everyone to enjoy! Please like and share and support another great initiative from the Killorglin people. Like their page at: Biddys Day

Killorglin Chamber Alliance

James' Barber Shop

On his way to the crib for Friday nights events,got caught short.

James' Barber Shop

Photos from Killorglin Community Council's post

Killorglin Community Council would like to whole-heartedly congratulate Killorglin Chamber Alliance on the wonderful Killorglin Christmas Crib. Thanks must go out to Killorglin Community Council members John Lenihan, James Daly, Alan Kearns, Shane Ferris and Terence Houlihan. Tús Scheme Declan Murphy and Mark Freeman. Rural Social Scheme member James O'Sullivan. Palm Roof with assistance from Jane Jackson, Helen Duggan, Veronica Nagle and Catherine McGillycuddy. Live animals supplied by Paudie and Frank Cronin and Paudie Sheehan. Hay from Josie O'Donnell. Jesus Statue from Mary Mangan and the cutout silhouettes by Slogadh Signs. All the people who donated Palms and the hard-working committee of Killorglin Chamber Alliance. Enjoy Christmas In Killorglin

Photos from Killorglin Community Council's post


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Killorglin, Ireland
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