BE Pro Therapy offers professional and effective Bodywork Treatments and Facial Rejuvenation Therapies. Locations in Killarney, Co. Kerry and Mallow, Co. Cork.
We have a broad range of treatments to choose from whether it’s for pain management, relaxation, or cosmetic acupuncture. Our services offered include, Relaxation Massages, Neuromuscular Physical Therapy, Integrative Dry Needling, Pitch-side Therapy and First Aid for teams and individuals, Facial Therapies and Cosmetic Acupuncture.
Our Therapist, Elaine Burke has over 12 years of experience and is known for her hands on touch and her high success rate in pain management therapy. With a wide scope of techniques she will personalise your treatment to gain the most positive results for you, and provide a highly professional and personalised experience for any age client. Elaine is a registered therapist with ANMPT (Assosiation of Neuromuscular Physical Therapists) and The Acupuncture Society.
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At the top of Carrauntoohill yesterday during Killarneys Ultimate High Peaks Challenge Challenge. 13 peaks, 25km, great day!
Employment Opportunity Looking for a Neuromuscular Physical Therapist to join our Killarney Clinic. Please share!
Always happy to have happy clients :)
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A little update on how Ciara's skin is doing! She sent me on these pics recently (just over 2 months from when we initially started her treatments. She has had 3 follow up sessions since she finished the course. 1 session after 4 wks, and then another 2 sessions with 2wk intervals. These photos were taken following her last session. Getting better all the time! Taken on her own phone but no filter and no makeup :)
Our clinic location in Mallow, Co. Cork
Are you looking for Facial Products that are genuinely 100% Natural, free from chemicals, parabens and perfumes? There is a lot of false or misleading advertising out there when it comes to "Organic" & "Natural" products. BE Pro Therapy now stocks some of the best and effective natural products that you can find and we'll ship to you if you can't make it in to our clinics. Feel free to call me for a free one to one phone consultation on what may be best for your skin. Even if its a product we don't stock I am happy to advise you on where to get what you are looking for! Call Elaine on 083 8165566
Do you know anyone that suffers from acne? Share this to let them know there are natural, alternative effective results that can be achieved without pumping harsh medicines into your system...
Ciara is 22 years old and had suffered with Acne for 4 years trying all conventional medicines and creams which never helped in any significant way. She also recently found out the she has Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome which is a driving force behind her acne. She didn't want to take any further medication and was looking for a natural alternative to help control her acne along with diet and exercise. From day 1 there was dramatic results with Ciara's acne. Reduced inflammation, reduced cyst size, less breakouts, healthier skin tone etc. Ciara now, for the first time in years has the confidence to leave the house makeup free! One of her main concerns was the deep scarring in her cheeks and again there was a dramatic improvement in this scarring. It softened and smoothed over the course of sessions. To find out more about Ciara's story check out our website link