Alli1 feeders is like no other feeder on the market. Our feeders offer creep feeding, and automated feeding, putting the farmer back in control
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS****Ploughing match competition**** To celebrate the launch of our new 4 tonne automated feeder we are giving away one for free. All you need to do is like our page,share the post and tag two friends in the comments below.
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Check out next weeks farmers journal for our new advert
Photos from 3in1 Feeders Ireland's post
Lovely pictures of one of our feeders in use in Cavan, cattle are looking great 👍
** Congradulatons ** Our winners are Laura Purdy and Michael rafferty. Pm for details on collecting your tickets in the morning. Well done guys 👍👍
3in1 Feeders Ireland
Get liking and sharing everyone we need to get 2000 likes before we can give out the tickets 👍
Photos from 3in1 Feeders Ireland's post
Never taught I'd see snow in April
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**Ok everyone time for the next competition** We have a pair of tickets for the balmoral show in May. All you have to do is simply like and share this post and like our page. Also comment which day you hope to attend. Best of luck everyone