I work in Holistic therapy , I do Indian head massage, Rahanni Celestial healing, and card readings.
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Free voucher available for one lucky mum. If you know a mum you think deserves the healing effect and relaxation from an Indian head massage please pm me. Names will go into hat and winner will be posted on Mothers day, good luck. Please like and share. Thankyou.
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Rahanni celestial healing, vouchers available.
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If you think your mum needs time out for herself why not treat her to one of my Indian head massage for mothers day. Vouchers available.
Rosaleen's Holistic Therapy
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Any man woman or child can benefit from rahanni celestial healing. Rahanni is nothing to be feared. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of help to you. Thankyou
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Indian head massage Indian head massage is a deeply relaxing seated treatment working on upper backs shoulders arms head and face. You will experience a deep sense of calm afterwards accompanied by a soft alertness. It is one of the best treatments for relaxation and de-stressing quickly.Never underestimate the power of relaxation. It is the key to health and happiness. We need to give ourselves permission to relax. It is amazing how the effects of one relaxation treatment boost our whole body and mind boosting us to be overall more effective. My Indian head massage will bring you into a deep state of relaxation physically and mentally. Stress drains your energy levels, leaves you holding your muscles tightly and leads to poor sleeping patterns. It is amazing how time out and an easing in tension allows you to function better, cope with stress more effectively and enable you to put things in perspective, Indian head is perfect for this Vouchers available.. . .
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Upper Back Massage An upper back massage is used around the muscles located nearby the mid and upper areas of the spine. An upper back massage involves various techniques that are used to help relieve muscle tension, pain and tightness. An upper back massage encourages blood flow around the body, providing the body with nutrients and oxygen, increasing the temperature of the muscles aids in the maintenance of healthy muscles. The massage helps to relieve pain tightness and tension.
Rahanni Celestial healing for physical and emotiional healing.
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Rahanni Celestial healing for physical or emotional healing.
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CHILDREN AND RAHANNI CELESTIAL HEALING. Children can be more open and aware of higher energies of light and very receptive to healing. They can benefit greatly from receiving Rahanni Celestial healing to help with emotional and physical problems and associated issues. It has found to especially help children with anxiety. It is also known to help with hyperactivity and children diagnosed with ADHD and ADD.
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VALENTINE Treat someone you love to time out with my Indian head massage or a Rahanni heaaling . Vouchers available.
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CHILDREN Rahanni Children can be more open and aware of higher energies of light and very receptive to healing, They can benefit greatly from receiving Rahanni healing to help with emotional and physical problems and associated issues. It has been found to especially help children with anxiety . It is also known to help with hyperactivity and children diagnosed with ADHD and ADD,