We are 5th Year students from Coláiste Treasa, Kanturk and we are 1 of 5 finalists in the Certified Irish Angus School's Competition. Please like & share! We are Transition Year student's from Coláiste Treasa in Kanturk and we are finalists in the Certified Irish Angus School's Competition. The members of our group include Aoife O'Leary, Chloe Cottrell, Aoife O'Connor and Máire O'Donoghue. We are in with a chance of winning 5 Angus calve. Our aim is to promote Certified Irish Angus Breed to farmers, retailers and concumers
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CT Irish Angus Beef
Please like and share! Best of Luck to the lads in Croke Park on March 15th!
Certified Irish Angus Beef
What an amazing week!! Thanks so much to ABP, Kepak and Certified Irish Angus for such a great trip!
Photos from Coláiste Treasa Certified Irish Angus's post
Last Wednesday we went to Millstreet Machinery Show and got to meet huge crowds and tell them about our project! Keep update with us on snapchat: ctangus #WinnerWinnerAngusDinner #RaisingTheSteaks 👍🏼🐃 🚜
Photos from Coláiste Treasa Certified Irish Angus's post
Wishing our 2017 Irish Angus Teams the best of luck! They had their interview last Thursday in South Court Hotel Limerick. We had great fun with these groups helping them prepare and well done to all on doing so well! #WinnerWinnerAngusDinner 🎉👍🏼
Photos from Coláiste Treasa Certified Irish Angus's post
Congratulations to our fellow students who did brilliantly at BT Young Scientist 2017! Well done lads! #CTYoungScientists 😜🎉🔬🌡
Photos from Coláiste Treasa Certified Irish Angus's post
Last night we attended the Macra FBD Capers Semi-Final in Éire-Óg. We got to meet Macra members from across the county and display our Bonus Scheme Calendar! We got to speak to farmers young and old about the advantages of the schemes and our work on our project! We also met International Miss Macra and got to enjoy the show. Massive well done to our local Banteer Macra for getting through to the All-Ireland Final! Best of luck! #WinnerWinnerAngusDinner #RaisingTheSteaks 🎊👍🏼🐃
Photos from Coláiste Treasa Certified Irish Angus's post
Christmas with our Calves!🎄Hope everyone had a very happy Christmas and best wishes for 2017! 🎁🐃🎊🎉👍🏼
Photos from Coláiste Treasa Certified Irish Angus's post
Our calves have caught the "hay" fever 😂 Here a few photos of our calves Donald, Buster, Frodo, Mozzy and Zebo from our past few visits to Glen South Farm! 🐃👍🏼😁 #WinnerWinnerAngusDinner
Timeline Photos
A few "Bull-dozers" relaxing after all the celebrity attention 🐃😴💤📸
Photos from Coláiste Treasa Certified Irish Angus's post
We set up our stand at the Coláiste Treasa Open Evening, where we met parents and students alike and showed them our project and introduced them to the competition 🐃🗒 We had a great time "meating" everyone and had some fun with our calendar! As you can see, some of the teachers also got into the "moooooves"