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Anne Stanley's Barn

Anne Stanley's Barn, Julianstown, Ireland
Equestrian Center



At the Barn we offer horse riding lessons, training and buying and selling.   Anne Stanley is a highly successful trainer and can get the best out of any horse and rider combination. She has had countless successes in Ireland and abroad in all equestrian disciplines but excels in the area of working hunter ponies. She has brought together and trained champions in this field over the past 30 years.  Riding lessons at The Barn are for both adults and children on a team of lovable well experienced horses and ponies.
Anne and Lorli have known each other for many years, but about 16 years ago Anne found "Tommy" a little 12hh 4yo pony for one of Lorli's daughters and he went on to be the ultimate child's pony, a friend and a competition pony. Since then Anne and Lorli have come together over many ponies.

The Barn Performance Pony Centre was born out of their feeling of a need to promote the Performance Pony. This pony is one that may compete in pony club, the showing arena, the hunting field or the many other spheres available to the Performance Pony. In an aim to do this Training Days, Shows and Viewing Days will be set up.



Still plenty of time fo enter for our training show this Friday night with classes starting at 6:30. Hope to see you all there!

Still plenty of time fo enter for our training show this Friday night with classes starting at 6:30. Hope to see you all there!

Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have decided to cancel this evenings dressage show. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

We're holding another training show this Friday evening, promising a calm and relaxing atmosphere to get everybody around! Like last week we would really appreciate if all competitors could text their entries so we can provide estimate times for each class.

We're holding another training show this Friday evening, promising a calm and relaxing atmosphere to get everybody around! Like last week we would really appreciate if all competitors could text their entries so we can provide estimate times for each class.

We are hosting a dressage show this Wednesday evening with all the tests from this year's Riding club Autumn league. Get some last minute tips before this weekend and ride through your test in front of a judge in a relaxed environment. Although the tests are for riding club everyone is welcome to compete. Best part is no plaiting or show gear needed!

We are hosting a dressage show this Wednesday evening with all the tests from this year's Riding club Autumn league. Get some last minute tips before this weekend and ride through your test in front of a judge in a relaxed environment. Although the tests are for riding club everyone is welcome to compete. Best part is no plaiting or show gear needed!

Thanks to everyone who pre-entered for the showjumping tonight. The approximate start times for each class are as follows 1)50cms - 6.30pm sharp 2)60cms - 7.15 3)70cms - 7.45pm 4)80cms - 8.15pm 5)90cms - 8.30pm 6)1m - 8.40pm Jumping will be indoors Unfortunately we will have no coffee shop tonight. Looking forward to seeing everyone later 🐎

Due to insufficient entries, tonight's dressage show has been cancelled. Friday night jumping is going ahead but please text your entry to 0894629413. Thanks

We are running a Training show this Friday evening starting at 6:30pm. Promising a calm and relaxed environment for young horses, nervous riders or anyone wanting just to have some fun with their horse!

We are running a Training show this Friday evening starting at 6:30pm. Promising a calm and relaxed environment for young horses, nervous riders or anyone wanting just to have some fun with their horse!

We're running a dressage show this Wednesday evening especially suited to young horses, nervous riders and new combinations! No plaiting, no show gear and no pressure! Get your entries in asap!

We're running a dressage show this Wednesday evening especially suited to young horses, nervous riders and new combinations! No plaiting, no show gear and no pressure! Get your entries in asap!

Wishing good luck to Siobhan Doyle on Silver Bullet representing the Ward Union pony club at the Pony Club Eventing Championships this weekend in Cork. Siobhan qualified at Bunclody in the Junior Class. Wishing all the best from everyone here at the Barn!

RESULTS UPDATE FROM THE BARN 🐴🏅 At the recent Midland Connemara Show, local rider and barn student Aoife Cronin on her pony Newgrange Danny Boy won the coveted 'Sarah Miller' working hunter class. At the same show and in second place was Anne Stanley's Donode Mabel Molly ridden by James Ryan. Well done to both 👏 More recently at the Royal Dublin Horse Show, in the 158cm working hunter class, Shona Lynch on her own thoroughbred mare Ferdie Whitmore came 2nd. In the same class, local rider Katie Flanagan, came 4th on Outrun Your Brother aka Buster. Well done to both Barn students 👏 Also in the RDS in the 143cm Working Hunter class, Anne Stanley's Donode Marbel Molly was 3rd, again ridden by James Ryan. This novice pony has had a very good year and is Grantham bound next week 👏 Finally, barn student Hannah Fenelon, who had qualified for the Equitation Jumping, was 8th/highly commended in the RDS 138cm class 👏 Last but certainly not least, Anne Stanley's Hilltop Festy, ridden by Katie Flanagan was 3rd in the Performance Working Hunter Class at Tattersalls in late July, a wonderful achievement for 26 year old Festy 👌🐴 On another note Bob Marley is making slow but steady progress on the road to recovery we send him our best wishes 💙

Times for this Wednesday's dressage. Class 1 7:00 Molly Lynott - Mocha 7:06 Martina DiCioccio - Dark Intentions 7:12 Robyn O'Driscoll - Dorky Class 2 7:18 Imogen Sharkey - Walk on by 7:24 Klara Ralph O'Connor - Castle View Aussie 7:30 Ella O'Connor - brookvale all talk 7:36 Catherine Atkinson - Susie 7:42 Debbie Kirby - Badger or Bust 7:48 Mary Duff - Robin 7:54 Becky Vaughan - Polo 8:00 Martyna Danek - Danny 8:06 Klara Ralph O'Connor - Jasmine 8:12 Abbie Curran - Brookvale all talk Class 3 8:18 Jossa Tyrell - Patrick 8:24 Katie Flanagan - Outrun your Brother 8:30Luke McAvinue - Tullaherin Bouverie Class 4 8:36 Mags Brannigan - Out of the Blue 8:42 Barbra Smyth - Ben Class 5 8:48 Helen Clarke - Out of the Blue

Thursday 1st August 2019 - Working Hunter courses (grass and sand) available for hire and/or training at Castlehill Equestrian Centre. Good range of working hunter fences including the Dublin Bridge. Training over the course available with Anne Stanley to suit small group or individuals. For hire option or training option please contact Anne Stanley on 086 3921095 to book in a time.

Thursday 1st August 2019 - Working Hunter courses (grass and sand) available for hire and/or training at Castlehill Equestrian Centre. 

Good range of working hunter fences including the Dublin Bridge.

Training over the course available with Anne Stanley to suit small group or individuals.

For hire option or training option please contact Anne Stanley on 086 3921095 to book in a time.


Fav lil pony🐴💗 #Marco

Fav lil ponyπŸ΄πŸ’— #Marco

Marco babes💗 #bestlittlejumper

Marco babesπŸ’— #bestlittlejumper

Don't have any pics of me riding so thiss will do 😘💗 #freeze #mainman

Don't have any pics of me riding so thiss will do πŸ˜˜πŸ’— #freeze #mainman

She could do with a good toothbrush and a shine and polish😄 😂 #smile #cheese #teeth #sourgrapes #teeth-whiting #champion #workinghunter #nifestival #mare 🐴🐴

She could do with a good toothbrush and a shine and polishπŸ˜„ πŸ˜‚ #smile #cheese #teeth #sourgrapes #teeth-whiting #champion #workinghunter #nifestival #mare 🐴🐴

#selfie 😂

#selfie πŸ˜‚

Hanging with the horses😜😜😂🐴🐴

Hanging with the horsesπŸ˜œπŸ˜œπŸ˜‚πŸ΄πŸ΄


Hanging with the horses😜😜😂🐴🐴


Fun at the barn😍🐴

Fun at the barn😍🐴


Fun at the barn😍🐴



NEAR Anne Stanley's Barn