Maths tables are the basic building blocks of mathematics. EazyTables is a simple and proven system that DRAMATICALLY improves children's results and takes the frustration out of learning maths.
Hi there, my name is Deirdre Hogan inventor of EazyTables, I came about the idea because of my own kids having difficulty recalling and memorising maths tables - I designed a simple and fun system. It is colourful, tactile and quick with measurable results.
Let’s face it – lots of kids find maths boring. But worse still, to some kids, maths is just an insurmountable problem.
Maths tables is the heart of the matter. If the standard method of rote learning isn't working for your child, they're facing a problem that's going to last throughout their schooling – possibly even for the rest of their lives. Because without a firm grasp of tables, you're never going to master maths. And in the case of children with Dyscalculia or Dyslexia, you're looking at an even more intractable problem.
But now there's a simple solution – even for those difficult cases. EazyTables nips the problem in the bud, before it gets a chance to turn your kids off maths forever.
EazyTables is a physical, tangible learning aid – not a computer programme. And EazyTables also gets the balance right for kids. It's not “bookish” which can put a lot of kids off. But it's not a game either. EazyTables is a fun way to learn that takes the drudgery out of Homework Time.
I hope you like the concept, please share and Like and pledge on my Indiegogo fund raising campaign, see link below:
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