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Recovering Mobility

Worx Gym, IDA Industrial Park, Courtown Rd., Gorey, Ireland
Professional Service



"Everybody has a plan, until you get punched in the face" -Mike Tyson
Injuries happen at the most inconvenient times. Recovering Mobility is here to help.


This is the Dragon Flag *warning this is an advanced movement, do not do this movement if it is sore to do so. The idea is to raise your body into a straight lever and lower it to the ground without bending at the torso, forward or backwards. At first you can focus on slowly lowering, when the butt touches that's it. When you are stronger you can and can overcome gravity you can start to move back up to the top position. #exerciseshouldnotaggravate

This is the oblique crunch, the obliques help the torso or lower body to rotate depending on position. Many athletes especially multi directional field athletes suffer from groin and low back pain/discomfort due to weakness, imbalances, lack of mobility and compensation around the pelvis. This is a great starter movement to help with stabilization of the trunk. #exerciseshouldnotaggravate

For this movement V-Sit and hold we will focus on keeping the torso in the 'Get Tough' position before we progress to hands free or moving the limbs. This is another exercise that helps low back pain by learning and not falling into the position that's causing soreness.

4/10 the triple crunch is a real time saver, three excellent movements in one. Remember chin high for this particular exercise. Bonus movement would be to pre-tense before, during & throughout the movement. It's really all about the tension for alignment. If you can only manage the first part, start there and progress at your own pace. #exerciseshouldnotaggravate

Metronome; another abdominal movement to help reduce low back pain and improve pelvis position.

It's great to come back to such good weather, lash on the sun block and remember that the mayo clinic (USA) recommends at least 3.3L of water for men and 2.2L of water for women per day.

Pong... when strength works against you

This is one of my favorite ab movements. If you cannot hold yourself in the side plank try from the knees (use a cushion when kneeling) 50 sec / side. Get Tough Position, Stay Tall and keep tension through the middle. This should not aggravate, the neck, back, shoulder, hip, knee, or ankle at all. If so discontinue and seek assessment by a Physical Therapist/ Physio Therapist.

This is one of my favorite ab movements. If you cannot hold yourself in the side plank try from the knees (use a cushion when kneeling) 50 sec / side. Get Tough Position, Stay Tall and keep tension through the middle. This should not aggravate, the back, shoulder, hip, knee, or ankle at all. If so discontinue and seek assessment by a Physical Therapist/ Physio Therapist.

This is one of my favorite ab movements. If you cannot hold yourself in the side plank try from the knees (use a cushion when kneeling) 50 sec / side This should not aggravate the back or shoulder at all, if so discontinue and seek assessment by a Physical / Physio Therapist.

2/10 of abdominal movements to reduce low back pain, *if your low back lifts off the ground on the lowering portion of this movement or causes pain do not do this part of this exercise. #exerciseshouldnotaggrivate

Phallen's twist, first of 10 short abdominal strengthening videos to come.


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