Proving relief to pain and discomfort using various different techniques and rehab.
Wheelchair accessible.
Saturday and evening appointments available. Here at Gorey Physical Therapy, we strive to ease any of your aches and pains and treat a wide variety of problems, such as herniated discs, whiplash or those pestering pains that just won’t subside.
Each client goes through an extensive consultation process. This is started by a complete body assessment, and moves on to getting a full treatment and a rehabilitation plan. Each treatment and rehabilitation plan will be unique to each person’s needs. Every individual treatment will assimilate advanced techniques in manual therapy, Swedish massage and deep tissue massage.
At Gorey Physical Therapy we are conveniently located at the Talk to Tom centre at Hillcrest, Fort Rd. Gorey, Co Wexford. There is parking available and the location is also wheelchair accessible.
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This is a post that I put up a couple of months ago. The reason I'm sharing it again is because it's the season to start running. Shin splints is a really common complaint among runners or even among induviduals who walk long distances. Particularly if you've just started/restarted running/walking, if your running on hard surfaces like the road or a path or if you've seriously increased the distance you run in a short time. The best advise I can give is: Maybe run on a pitch/grass rather than a hard surface Increase your runs slowly rather than double your running distance in one week If you feel shin splints pain starting to come take a break for a few days til the pain is gone If these tips do not seem to help there are sometimes other issues going on. If this is the case feel free to give me a call to help with these issues. I'm trying to start jogging again myself. 😕 I wish everyone who has set themselves fitness goals this year good luck.
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Hi folks. Now that the new year is upon us, it's time to start the New Years resolutions right. For a lot of us this involves taking up new sports, gym routines or even taking up running/walking. Just remember it's important to ease into activities as the muscles need to get eased into these new activities. It is normal to feel sore after beginning a new physical activity. This may not happen until you wake up the next day and could last a few days. If this pain does not go away after a few days or does not feel like post exercise muscle pain, it is important to get this checked out so that we don't stop our New Years resolutions. 😊 If you feel unsure or need feel you need an appointment feel free to call me or pm me your queries or to make an appointment. 😊
Hi guys, Back from the holidays. Available for appointments now, so if you need to make an appointment feel free to give me a call. Lorraine 😊
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Hi guys, Just updating you all, to let you know that I won't be available for appointment til the 17th of January as I am off to chase some winter sun. I'll be back on this when I'm back. Lorraine 😊
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I'd like to thank all of my followers and loyal customers for the continued support over the past few months. Hope to see more familiar faces again in 2017. Also so I'd like to wish you all a Happy Christmas and a fantastic new year in 2017. I'll leave you all with a quote from one of my favourithe Christmas films "Its a wonderful life" 😊
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The Christmas season is now fully upon us and what better gift to get your loved ones but the gift of a pain free Christmas and new year. This can be done by purchasing a gift voucher from Gorey Physical Therapy. Vouchers will be available from myself. If you would like to purchase a voucher feel free to contact me. Contact details are available on my Facebook page or on my website.
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Movement Movement can be something that we can often take for granted, that is until we can no longer do it. For sprains, strains, spasms or even disc problems in your back, movement can often be a cure rather than the opposite. Remember when you were a child, you might hurt yourself, like twist an ankle. After a few minutes you were up and playing. A few minutes after this you would have forgotten that it even happened. Some might say that kids are more resilient but also thus can be because children have very little fear. Some benefits of movement include: Increasing blood flow to the area, which will increase oxygen to the damaged region which will help with healing Maintaining muscle strength in muscle which will help decrease recovery time Helping to realign scar tissue in the damaged region which will help reduce problems in the future. Helping reduce compensatory movement which can reduce risk of sustaining other injuries Helping to reduce fear of movement which will prevent having longterm signs such as a limp or fear of bedding down to pick something up. The key with is this is that you gradually increase rather than dive straight back into normal movement. If you are unsure of how to go about this then feel free to make an appointment with myself. I can aid you with rehabilitation and thus your recovery.
Photos from Gorey Physical Therapy's post
Dry Needling As of this week dry needling is now available at Gorey Physical Therapy. Dry needling is a treatment that involves inserting a thin needle through the skin, into a muscle in order to stimulate it. There are many similarities between dry needling and acupuncture, however dry needling is based in modern western medicine to help release muscle tension and relieve pain and disability and acupuncture is based on traditional Chinese medicine to improve the flow of energy in the body. As part of the treatment a muscle stimulator can be used to place a small electrical current through the needles. This has been shown to have similar effects as ultrasound and laser therapy treatments. This used along with the dry needling, can help improve the wanted outcomes that comes with dry needling. Dry needling can help: - Relieve pain - Improve range of movement - Improve function - Improve muscle activation - Improve immune system and increase well being - Improve sleep pattern Dry needling can help with the following conditions and injuries: - Neck, shoulder and back pain - Frozen shoulder - Tendinopathy - Tennis and golfers elbow - Muscle spasms and dead legs - Hip, knee and ankle pain - Calf and shin pain - Repetitive strain injuries If you are interested in making an appointment for a dry needling session or would like dry needling to be apart of your treatment, feel free to make an appointment with myself.
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Sciatica Sciatica refers to pain that travels down the path of the sciatic nerve, which begins from your lower back, and travels through to your hips and buttocks and down each leg. In most cases, sciatica affects only one side of your body. This can be caused by a herniated disc in the spinal column, by an overgrowth of bone within the spinal column or it can be caused by piriformis syndrome. This is where the piriformis, in your hip group of muscles, becomes tight and compressed the sciatic nerve, causing sciatica. There are other causes of sciatica but these are less common. Common symptoms of this can include: -Back pain -Pain in your buttocks, hamstrings or calf -A shooting type pain, travelling down your leg If this is a condition that you fear you may have or have being suffering from on a long term basis, please feel free to contact me, for an appointment, to help control and ease your symptoms.
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Hi Folks, Just letting you know that I am running a pre-Christmas offer of 20% off the usual price for the next few weeks. This will apply to all the usual services and from next week it will include dry needling. Make your appointment quick to avoid any disappointment. Lorraine
Hi folks, Sorry for the lack of posts over the past couple of weeks. I will have one up tomorrow. I would however, like your opinion on what you would like me to write about on my page. Feel free to comment on this post, or pm me some of your suggestions. Looking forward to hearing from you. :) Lorraine
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Sprained Ankles A sprained ankle is one of the most common sports and is also the most frequently re-injured. This can be caused by sudden twisting or rolling action of the ankle and this can be either from contact or non-contact situations. The most likely structures to be injured are the lateral ligaments on the outside of the ankle. However, tendons, muscles, nerves and bones can also get injured. Sprains occur in different grades depending on severity. Most just need treatment and a very good rehabilitation plan, some however need surgery to repair the damage. Poor proprioception is on of the most common causes of ankle sprains and can also me the main cause of re-injury to the joint. This is the ability of the muscles around the joint to react quickly enough to prevent excessive movement of the joint. Proprioception also involves the ability of the brain to know where the joint is in space and from this , be able to detect whether the joint is at risk of injury from excessive movement and cause the necessary muscles to activate if needed. This can be corrected and improved using the appropriate rehabilitation techniques. Another cause can be wearing inappropriate footwear for certain activities or wearing footwear that is worn out. Symptoms of a sprained ankle include: Bruising and swelling- This may occur immediately or up to 48 hours after the injury occurred Pain and throbbing in the area Decreased range of motion Difficulty walking and there may also be a limp present If you are currently suffering from an ankle sprain or have in the past and go over on your ankle quite regularly, please feel free to contact me to make an appointment for a consultation.