Cuirt Na Coiribe Accommodation
We offer accomodation for NUIG students.
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2017/18 Applicants. Accomodation offers have gone out in todays post, you should have them by Monday. Unfortunateley it is not all good news as due to unprecedented demand we were unable to accomodate everyone. In which case your application has been returned to you, and your name placed on our waiting list. Thanks to all who applied.
Single room available €115 per wk, available immediately. Would suit a male.
Garda ‘no-nonsense’ approach for Mayo Monday and Donegal Tuesday - Connacht Tribune
Please be advised we are fully booked at present. We are not accepting anymore applications at this time.
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2017/18 Bookings. Due to the unprecedented amount of calls and emails we are receiving we are unable to get back to all of you. Please understand that we are extremely busy with enquiries at present. Please ensure to read through the booking information fully as everything is outlined in this. Bookings can be posted or dropped into reception on monday.
2017/18 Application forms will be available to download from 4pm today.
Photos from Cuirt Na Coiribe Accommodation's post
2017/18 Academic year BOOKING DATE - Bookings open Monday 6th February @9am. Application forms will be available from our website from the middle of next week. This will NOT be an online booking system. You are required to return your paper application to us together with your booking deposit of €900 by cheque/draft. We will NOT accept applications before this date! Payment information will be available on our booking information.
Bus Feda
👍 Bus Feda
PICS: Is this the messiest college room in Ireland? |
We've seen worse!!
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2017/18 Academic year. The application date for the upcoming academic year will be announced over the coming weeks. Please keep an eye on this page or our website for further details.
Photos from Cuirt Na Coiribe Accommodation's post
That's it we're finished for another year and out the door! It's officially holiday time 😊. We will reopen on Tuesday January 3rd at 9am. Wishing everyone a happy healthy and safe Christmas, best wishes from all at Cuirt Na Coiribe 🎄🎅🏻🎉.