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Lucy Townsley Acupuncture

Oranmore, Galway, Ireland
Medical & Health



My clinic is all about getting you BETTER!  I treat a range of condition's Headaches, Low energy, Fertility, Pregnancy, Insomnia.All Types Pain 0872273084


Go On Give Chinese Cupping a Go | My Fertile Body

Yes cupping really does work

Crave choc? You need magnesium. Expert reveals what cravings mean

Do you crave chocolate could be you need more magnesium Yearning for carbs signals you're low in amino acid tryptophan... read more about your cravings.....

What those red marks on Olympic athletes are, and why they're doing it

WOW!!! CUPPING.... just one of the many amazing chinese medicinel techniques used in my clinic's. Read and find out why the olympians are turning to Chinese Medicine....may be you should too #chinesecupping #loughreaacupuncture #myfertilebody

This Is Why Olympic Athletes Have Those Bruises On Them

The amazing benefits of Chinese medicine cupping as seen on these amazing athlete helps the muscles by increasing blood flow to relief aches and pains

Cherries: The Sweet Way To Reduce Inflammation

who new cherries could be so amazing

Purple Clover

Purple Clover

Are You Fatigued? 11 Ways to Take Back Your Adrenals

This is a great post about your adrenals and how acupuncture can help improve you kidney health to improve adrenal fatigue

What Are We Ignoring About Breathing?

We all need to breath, here is great advice about breathing and the benifits of breathing

12 Summer Self-Care Tips from Acupuncturists

Some great advice on how to cope with summer heat ...lets hope we get some in ireland

6 Ways to Get Happier Naturally by Boosting Your Serotonin Levels

Boost your happy hormone this will help keep your system balanced improving your health on all levels emotionally, physically and spiritually

10 Reasons To Drink Warm Lemon Water First Thing in The Morning

I'm always telling people the benefits of drinking water with lemon but here are some more amazing reason we should drink lemon water.

Emotional Pain Is More Deeply Felt Than Physical Injuries New Study Says

Emotional pain does hurt more than physical pain, a broken leg can heal in a 6 weeks but a broken heart can take years for you to trust again, I can help with you emotional pain give me a call 0872273084 to make an appointment today


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