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Keenwah Quinoa

Headford, Galway, Ireland
Food Wholesaler



Keenwah Quinoa, the one ingredient baby food developed by Galway woman Aisling Hanley has launched in Ireland.  Made from 100% Organic Quinoa. Keenwah Quinoa, the one ingredient baby food developed by Galway woman Aisling Hanley has launched in Ireland.  Made from 100% Organic Quinoa- (pronounced KEEN-WAH). Keenwah Quinoa babyfood provides a rainbow of nutrients in amounts required for early growth.

Quinoa is a gluten free highly nutritious grain which contains Iron, Protein , Potassium , Zinc , Folic acid and thyamine. All this from one pure ingredient – 100% Organic Quinoa.

Keenwah Quinoa founder Aising Hanley is a mother of 5 children, ranging in ages from one year to 14. Her frustration with the lack of choice and bland commercial processed white cereals available on the supermarket shelves for baby’s first introduction to food, -lead to her beginning the Keenwah Quinoa brand and business.
“I know how important it is to fuel their growing minds and bodies with nutritious foods. Organic Quinoa babyfood is an excellent alternative to baby rice. The first year of life is a crucial for growth and development. Babies need protein. Protein is in every living cell in the body and babies need it to repair and maintain cells, it really is the building block for life. I know myself that parents are looking for simple one ingredient foods, to introduce to their weaning babies to identify allergies,” explained Aisling.  Quinoa Organic babyfood is so easy to use.  It requires no cooking, just stir in milk or water for an instant yummy nutritious creamy meal.


Happy Mothers Day from Keenwah Quinoa Baby Food 🌹💕Congratulations to our competition winners Nessa O Sull and Carrie O Sullivan 🎊🎊I am feeling extra generous this special Mothers day morning so I'm also throwing in a free case of 9 boxes of organic Keenwah Quinoa babyfood to the winners 👶🏼💕

To all you wonderful ladies out there! Happy international women's day 💕

COMPETITION TIME 🎀🍰☕️ 🎀🍰☕️ 🎀 To celebrate Mother's Day on the 11th March, 'Keenwah Quinoa' Baby Food are giving away an AFTERNOON TEA FOR 2 AT A HOTEL OF YOUR CHOICE anywhere in Ireland. TO ENTER: Like Our Page Like & Share this Post Tag a Mum you know Closing date, Saturday 10th and the winners to be announced on Mothers Day. Best of Luck! x Aisling For Competition T&Cs see — Products shown: Keenwah Quinoa.

Afternoon Tea Prize for two lucky ladies! 1 Week to go. Like, Tag a special Mum and Share this post. Winner announced Mothers Day morning, it'll be a lovely surprise for a Special Mom!

COMPETITION TIME 🎀🍰☕️ 🎀🍰☕️ 🎀 To celebrate Mother's Day on the 11th March, 'Keenwah Quinoa' Baby Food are giving away an AFTERNOON TEA FOR 2 AT A HOTEL OF YOUR CHOICE anywhere in Ireland. To Enter see image below. Closing date, Saturday 10th and the winners to be announced on Mothers Day. Best of Luck! x Aisling For Competition T&Cs see — Products shown: Keenwah Quinoa.

Delighted that Keenwah Quinoa Organic Baby Food is featured in the IRELAND WEST FOOD Website. It is a showcase of Award Winning Artisan Producers from the beautiful West of Ireland. For more detail visit the Ireland West Food Website; — Products shown: Keenwah Quinoa.

Keenwah Quinoa Logo a proud Mother of 6 👶🏼❤️

Lisa Regan Public Relations

So delighted to be in this weeks Irish Country Living

Lisa Regan Public Relations

Timeline Photos

A business interview with the Galway Independent today photos by Martina Regan Photography. Keenwah Quinoa is in stores now. Lisa Regan Public Relations Local Enterprise Office Galway

Timeline Photos

Lisa Regan Public Relations

Really exciting to see so much on Keenwah Quinoa in the press- read all about us in this weeks Connacht Tribune - Galway City Tribune Martina Regan Photography Lisa Regan Public Relations Local Enterprise Office Galway

Lisa Regan Public Relations

Lisa Regan Public Relations

Talking all things business, start ups and being a mum with Photos : Martina Regan Photography Local Enterprise Office Galway Lisa Regan Public Relations


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