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Antenatal Classes Galway City - Cuidiú-ICT

, Galway, Ireland



Childbirth and Early Parenting Classes in Galway City, led by Tara Durkin, doula and Cuidiú-certified childbirth educator and breastfeeding counsellor Independent, evidence-based antenatal classes aiming to provide information on all aspects of childbirth and the early days of parenting to assist you to make your own informed choices. Courses run over 3 to 4 sessions and explore
* realistic information about what happens during labour and birth
* your full range of choices and options
* comfort measures and pain management techniques
* medical pain relief options (benefits, risks, alternatives)
* possible complications and common interventions and ways to avoid them
* informed decision making
* what partners need to know, for birth and beyond
* nurturing your newborn and yourself in the early days, including infant behaviour, breastfeeding and the transition to parenthood
* information on local services and supports in the community

In small groups in an informal setting, expecting parents have lots of time to discuss concerns and ask questions, to practice skills for birth and early days with baby, and to get to know the other parents.

Facilitated by a Cuidiú-trained childbirth educator and doula, accredited by Fedant (Federation of Antenatal Educators).


Another option when you're deciding what to do with your placenta after birth!

At the last class we also discussed interventions which are commonly offered when women are approaching or go over their 'guess' due date. Here is a detailed look at the 'sweep' and the pros and cons of getting one.

At our last class we discussed making an informed decision about fetal monitoring, and the lack of evidence supporting the widespread use of continuous fetal monitoring (vs intermittent ausculation with a handheld Doppler) for monitoring your baby's well-being during labour and birth. In fact, continuous fetal monitoring has been shown to drastically increase the chance of caesarean birth. Here is a rundown of research findings on fetal monitoring options, to help you make an informed choice.

This down-to-earth account is a great read for expectant and new parents.

More on upright, forward-leaning positions that women have found for shorter, easier labours - with some powerful photographs of birthing women.

Some really interesting talks in this collection!

"When done safely, bed sharing makes mothers (and fathers!) and babies happy and has positive developmental effects on growing children."

A wonderful source of evidence-based information about your options during childbirth, that can be a great starting point for conversations with your healthcare providers about your choices.


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