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NUIG Physics

, Galway, Ireland
College & University



Physics: A brilliant career from lasers to the universe! Front cover
Shape your own future
Study Physics at NUI Galway

What is physics?
Physics is the fundamental science. It seeks to understand the basic laws governing the structure of matter, the nature of energy and the physical forces that form our world. Its span of interest ranges from the nature of the short-range forces which operate inside the atomic nucleus to the origin and structure of the universe.
Applied Physics is the study of physics with particular emphasis on technological and practical applications. Astrophysics is the part of astronomy that deals with the physics of the universe, including that of stars, black holes and galaxies. Biomedical Physics is the application of physics to the medical and biological sciences. Theoretical Physics is the application of mathematical tools and models to explain and predict physical phenomena.
Why study Physics at NUI Galway?
If you have an enquiring mind, and are interested in discovering how things work, then this could be the course for you. The Bachelor of Science (Physics – degree options in Applied, Astrophysics, Biomedical, Theoretical) four year degree at NUI Galway offers you to flexibility in how you can study physics. It gives you the opportunity to experience a number of subjects along with core Physics before specialising in your chosen pathway in third year. These pathways are:

   Applied Physics
   Biomedical Physics
   Theoretical Physics

During your first and second year, you will gain an insight into one of the most exciting and interesting areas of scientific inquiry, including modules such as applied mathematics and anatomy.

GY320 The Bachelor of Science (Physics – degree options in Applied, Astrophysics, Biomedical, Theoretical)
CAO Code: GY320
Course level: 8
Duration: 4 years
Minimum Entry Points 2013: ???
Average intake: 15
Minimum A-level Grades 2013: ????
Leaving Certificate Entry Requirements: Minimum Grade HC3 in two subjects and passes in four other subjects at H or O Level in the Leaving Certificate including: Irish, English, Mathematics, a laboratory science subject (i.e. Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Physics with Chemistry (joint) or Agricultural Science) and any two other subjects recognised for entry purposes.

A-level/GCSE Entry Requirements: ????

Do I need honours level math?
No but physics is mathematical and in years first and second you will take maths courses to bring you to the standard that is required.
Do I need leaving certificate Physics?
No, we will teach you physics in first year.

What area should I specialise in in Third Year?  
Applied Physics
NUI Galway has a strong tradition in offering “hands-on” degrees in physics. The School of Physics at NUI Galway was the first in Ireland to introduce an Applied Physics degree. An Applied Physics degree is attractive to students who are interested in industrial or commercial applications of physics, particularly in emerging areas not yet addressed by engineering degrees. The degree also covers core aspects of fundamental Physics. The degree develops analytical skills and understanding of the physical concepts that are relevant to both private and publicly funded research programmes, as well industrial applications.



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