Hope Cancer Support Centre CLG
did you know that hope has a charity shop in enniscorthy and they are always looking for good quality items to sell in their
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facebook.comDay 3 of the #inittogether Campaign shows you the level of interest and support that younger people have for Centre. This year, the Rotary Club of Wexford facilitated a partnership between the Colaiste Bride Transition Year Students and the Centre. The Transition Year Students enjoyed a visit to the Centre where they learned of the services provided, the level of volunteerism and how the Centre is staffed and funded. They then very generously gave up their time and energy by helping at Hope and Dream 10, the Centre's largest annual fundraiser. We were delighted by the level of interest and support all the girls have. Here are lovely words from one of the students Georgina Morrissey on their experience.... "22 Upper Weafer Street, Enniscorthy is more than just a building, much more in fact. Inside those concrete walls, there is a place of confidentiality, of support, of understanding, of care and tenderness. It is where the Hope Cancer Support Centre lies. The Hope Centre provides emotional support for people affected by cancer including those who care for them, their family and their friends, from the time of diagnosis, throughout treatment and afterwards. This gentle support takes place in a professional and non-judgemental environment. Everyone who attends the Centre meets with a support nurse where you discuss how the cancer diagnosis has affected you, your family and your friends. You can then decide how best the Centre can support you. This is significant as you have complete control over the whole process and your ideal outcome. The Hope Cancer Support Centre was founded in 1999 by a group of people who were affected by cancer themselves. They recognised from their own journeys that there was a need for a service to give practical information and support to those whose lives are changed by a cancer diagnosis. Since then the Centre continues to grow and provides support for hundreds of people annually. Hope provides many services such as counselling, reflexology, massaging, art classes and wig and bra fittings. They also provide focus support groups such as lymphoedema support group, men’s cancer support group, women’s cancer support group and ‘CLIMB’. CLIMB is a structured programme for children aged between 5 and 12 who have a significant adult in their lives with cancer. Bearing all this great work the Hope Centre does in mind, they do it all for free. All the services available are at no cost to the patients or their families. This is due to the incredible fundraising event ‘Hope and Dream’ that raises the necessary funds Hope need to keep on doing their incredible work. Only 17% of funding comes from grant aid. The other 83% comes from donations, fundraising events and their charity shop sales. Their biggest fundraising event is the Hope and Dream run, which also happens to be the largest sporting fundraiser event in the Southeast. This year 2440 people signed up for the run which is more than any other year. This year’s run also brought the total amount of money raised since the first Hope and Dream race 10 years ago over the million mark! I originally volunteered to help with the Little Dreamer’s Dash this year, but I ended up staying to see the last person cross the finish line because I didn’t want to leave. The atmosphere was unbelievable. Everyone was so happy and kind to each other and the other volunteers were great. I was at the winning line greeting the runners, walkers and joggers with a bottle of water and a congratulations. I asked some of my classmates that volunteered with me what they thought about Hope and one girl who had previously been in the Hope Cancer Support Centre replied, “they made me feel so welcome and I know that their door is always open to everyone.” Another said “it’s such a zen, peaceful place. It would make you feel warm and calm inside.” I believe that if more people volunteered, if more people donated and helped to organise fundraisers and if more people promoted the brilliant work of the Hope Cancer Support Centre that they could support even more cancer patients and their loved ones. “If we do nothing… nothing will happen.” This is the Hope and Dream motto and the emphasis is on “we” because it is down to us, the people of Wexford, to do the best we can to support each other and the Hope Centre. I’m ‘hoping and dreaming’ that more young people get involved with this charity as it is truly life changing. I would also love to thank the Rotary Club for all the amazing opportunities they provide people with across the globe and for inviting myself and two other Coláiste Bríde girls down to the Riverbank for lunch, my teacher Mr.Cullen for his constant support and coming to me with the information to volunteer and of course Clodagh McCumiskey and all at the Hope Cancer Support Centre for all they do on a daily basis." Georgina is pictured below with fellow classmates, Leona Buckley and Anita Quinn along with representatives from Hope, Colaiste Bride and the Rotary Club.
For Day 2 of the #InItTogether Campaign, we would like to advise you of the role of Support Nurses in the Centre: The Support Nurses role in the Hoe Centre offers support to people with a Cancer diagnosis, their family members, caregivers and those bereaved by Cancer. New clients making that difficult journey to the Hope Centre are introduced to the services at Hope by one of the Support Nurses, these being Mary, Bridget and Pauline. Time is given for the client to have the opportunity to discuss their experiences of cancer, whether it is their own diagnosis or that of a family member or friend. An individual assessment of need is carried out and this helps us plan together what supports may be needed. We will then explain to the client the free services the Hope Centre can offer, for example, Support Groups, Reflexology, Art Therapy, Counselling, Meditation, Yoga , Lymphoedema services and many more. Follow up support can be given over the phone or Clients can always call in for a chat and a cup of Tea with one of the Support Nurses or our experienced Volunteers. If you are facing a cancer diagnosis, supporting a loved one with a diagnosis, or have been bereaved by cancer and are thinking about contacting us, please do…… our support is for you…. We are a local service supporting local people.
Photos from Hope Cancer Support Centre CLG's post
Today marks the launch of a week long #InItTogether Campaign: • To raise awareness of the work of Community based Cancer Support Centres in Ireland. •To help and support people of all ages throughout Ireland who have been affected by cancer. •To highlight the different services provided at Community level. The Hope Cancer Support Centre belongs to a network of community based cancer support centres who work to an agreed standard of quality and professionalism. All while providing free practical and emotional support to cancer patients and their loved ones! #InItTogether #HopeCancerSupportCentre To kick off today's campaign here are a few words from Rita Lett, a Counsellor at our Centre: " Finding the courage to take the first step in seeking help and support can be daunting especially in relation to cancer. I have been asked to give my views on counselling at the Hope Cancer Support Centre. The warmth and support that is offered to everybody who comes to the Centre is what keeps us all going, everybody is treated with such respect. At the Hope Cancer Support Centre we support people of all ages including children from six to sixteen. The door is open to everyone who is in need of support in relation to cancer. Once you enter the Centre you will experience a warm friendly atmosphere, as clients have said “ The peace and calm is to be experienced”. We hope this continues for many years to come. When people are diagnosed with cancer, it can be life changing at the time, because most people are so numb with shock when diagnosed with cancer. Thankfully today the treatment has improved so much and more options are offered and the results are greater. This is where the Hope Centre can help and support you, do come and talk to us . All kinds of therapy and counselling are offered at the Hope Cancer Support Centre. I have been counselling children and their family for twenty years, the facilities in the Hope Centre are amazing. It is a pleasure to be part of the team, we all work in harmony for the good of the clients. Some children can have difficulty in expressing their feelings, they can be vulnerable in time of loss and grief. Art Therapy can be used to help the child to come to terms with their issues. Most people love art young and old. Art therapy is also offered to adults, it an effective way in helping people who are in denial or having difficulty in coming to terms with the effects cancer has on their lives."
Wexford DipintheNip
Wexford DipintheNip
Wexford DipintheNip
WOW!!!! A huge thank you to Eileen Rowe and all the wonderful ladies of Wexford and beyond!! ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC!!!!!
Wexford DipintheNip
Wexford DipintheNip
3 more sleeps!!!!!!
Wexford DipintheNip
Huge thanks to Tony Ryan and the Rockabilly Band and Little Stevie and Mystery Train band for raising 488.91 euro on Saturday outside Symths Homevalue in Enniscorthy. BBQ was kindly provided by Dermot Kavanagh. Everyone enjoyed great music, dance and grub! Thanks lads!!
Photos from Hope Cancer Support Centre CLG's post
On 17th and 18th of August Lora Bolger will travel around all 32 Counties in under 48 hours and walk one mile in every County as part of her "Taking Steps to Fight Cancer" fundraising efforts. Lora has a wonderful team of friends who have graciously volunteered to help get her around and without whom this would not be possible. You can follow Lora’s progress via the #32in48 hashtag on Twitter and Instagram plus an event will be created shortly on Facebook. Thank you all for your continued support.
New Ross Credit Union Ltd
Thanks to everyone in New Ross Credit Union for all your support!