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Inis Environmental Consultants Ltd.

Edenvale, Ennis, Ireland
Professional Service



Welcome to the facebook of INIS Environmental Consultants Ltd, one of Ireland’s foremost environmental consultancies specialising in ecology and environmental management.


Marsh Fritillary Parasite This week Inis ecologists have been surveying suitable habitat in Co. Tipperary for Marsh Fritillary (Eurodryas aurinia) larval webs. We successfully recorded their presence at three sites, two of which held larvae in 2016. A wasp-like specimen, possibly of the Cotesia genus that parasitize the larvae of Marsh Fritillary was photographed adjacent to one larval web. This wasp is thought to be an important factor, in addition to weather and availability of the larval food plant Devil's-Bit Scabious (Succisa pratensis), in the population dynamics of the butterfly which is listed on Annex II of the EU Habitats Directive.

Kingfisher nest box installation Inis Ecology is acting as Ecological Clerk of Works on the Headfort Bridge rehabilitation project in Kells, County Meath. These works are taking place within the River Boyne and River Blackwater Special Area of Conservation. Today we are installing a kingfisher nest box in the hope that they will use it at this site which is easily accessible for people to watch at a safe distance. We will keep you updated on the nest box progress next year.

Marsh Fritillary One of our ecologists took this photo of a pair of Marsh Fritillary mating last week in County Tipperary.

Inis are currently Environmental Supervisor on wind farm construction sites throughout Ireland. This is a photo from a site in north Cork showing an 800 tonne crane which is used to erect turbines. Beside it is a small white (200 tonne) crane which is needed to build the 800 tonne crane. Hiring the 800 tonne crane costs €10,000 per day.

We love the Skokholm blog! Some very important recording happening on that island.

Photos from Inis Environmental Consultants Ltd.'s post

Willow Warbler nest We came upon a Willow Warbler (migrant) nest while taking water samples during the week. After breeding, adult Willow Warblers leave Ireland first and the young (10 gram) juveniles must then make it to Africa on their own.

Photos from Inis Environmental Consultants Ltd.'s post

Photos from Inis Environmental Consultants Ltd.'s post

Upland streams They don't look like much but are very important as spawning and nursery areas for salmonids. Every small pool had good numbers of juvenile trout in them.

Photos from Inis Environmental Consultants Ltd.'s post

INIS Ecology awarded major Aquatic Ecology project Inis Ecology has just been awarded a large scale project in County Mayo. Inis ecologists will be fulfilling the role of full time onsite Aquatic Ecologist on the Bellacorrick-Castlebar 110kV construction project located in Co. Mayo. The role involves a full suite of aquatic ecology related monitoring including physio-chemical water quality sampling, biological (Q-rating) sampling and daily monitoring of construction work over a 4 month period. This project is notable in that it is located within the boundaries of 2 designated Natura sites (Bellacorrick Bog Complex SAC and Newport River SAC) both of which contain habitats and species extremely sensitive to changes in water quality.

INIS Ecology to survey 100MW of Solar Projects INIS Ecology has been awarded two significant Solar Energy ecology contracts this week. Inis ecologists will be carrying out surveys at 2 proposed 50 MW Solar farm sites in Ireland. Studies will be focused on general breeding birds but also specific species such as breeding raptors like Sparrowhawk, Kestrel and Buzzard. Inis regularly provides ornithological expertise to inform planning applications and the EIA process. Our in-house team of bird surveyors are among the most experienced in the country and are experts in bird identification.

Inis Environmental Consultants Ltd.

Northern Goshawk in Ireland

Inis Environmental Consultants Ltd.


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