Dundalk Simon Community Shop
Our main function is to help raise funds for the Simon community. We ask our donors and supporters to donate quality items to our shops that we can re-use.
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Hi can everyone please share our upcoming fund raising event with the legendary Susan McCann on the 19th April 2017. This exciting event will start with the official re-launch of the Simon Shop at 1:00pm, followed by Afternoon Tea in the Lisdoo & Blackstone Restaurant at 2pm.
The shop is open today from 10am - 2pm.
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Lovely large coffee table €50.
We're open today from 10am till 2pm
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Lovely Hall table for €70
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Lovely suite €100
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Lovely red two seater €50
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Lovely leather two seater for €70
Photos from Dundalk Simon Community Shop's post
The before and after of the front of the shop.
Dundalk Simon Community Shop's cover photo
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Lovely two seater sofa and two matching arm chairs. €100
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Lovely kitchen table with four matching chairs. €100.