An oasis of calm right in the heart of Dundalk, we have yoga 7 days a week, catering to all ages and abilities, visit our website for more information.
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facebook.comOpening up like a flower in the sunshine ,,, Thursday Yoga Classes with Ann Beginners Yoga and relaxation 5.30 pm -6.30 pm drop in €10 Beginners Yoga Flow 8.15 pm -9.30 pm drop in €12 Each week we explore the practice of Yoga with new eyes , bringing something new into your practice ,, softening , stretching , strengthening. and opening to new possibilities ,, a gift to yourself ,, for booking or enquiry contact Ann on 0872475624 ,, namaste
After being away the last 3 weeks, got back to the studio today to find that Eithne, Ann and Clare had been very busy working hard, painting, and putting up new lights and making the studio look even better than before. How lucky I am to be working along side such an amazing group of Yoginis here at the Collective. thank you all so much XXX
Lovely yogis! So these last classes with me will be my last classes in Dundalk Yoga Collective for a while. I've gotten contract work in the big bad smoke so I'm having to move up! I will of course be doing more crystal workshops and whatnot in the Autumn! The last one was a lovely afternoon of relaxing so I shall plan another one coming into the "dark" months especially designed for SAD, anxiety and stress reduction. They help me a lot with my SAD! I'd like to thank Mary for putting up with me and being a great friend and teacher! And to the other teachers Ann and Clare for being awesome! So these last classes will be a bit of fun, we'll flow, have a dance party and don't forget food after Saturdays class! Love ya all! Don't forget dance it out when it gets too much! E
Tuesday Yiga classes with Ann Beginners Yoga flow 11am-12.15pm drop in €12 Beginners /Improvers Yoga 8am-9.15 pm drop in €12 Opening up to new possibilities we overcome self imposed obstacles ,,yoga is a gift to yourself that continues to unfold .. In each breath , each moment For booking or Enquiry contact Ann on 0872475624 .. Namaste
Lovely Yogis! Last 3 classes of E's Vinyasa! Wed 6:45-8pm Flow for beginners and level 1 Fri 7:15-8pm Slow Flow all levels Sat 10-11:30am Flow level 1-2 I'll be going for food after Sat mornings class if anyone wants to come! Cake and Coffee! All classes €12 drop in! See you on the mats! E
Meditation ,Mindfulness and Creativity with Ann this evening 6.45 -8pm Drop in €12 ,,, an invitation to explore and connect with your true self , true nature ,, gaining clarity ,improving relationship with yourself and others , finding a sense of inner peace that brings a greater sense of confidence and calmness to your day to day life ... for booking or Enquiry contact Ann on 0872475624 .. Namaste
Hatha Yoga practices are designed to align and calm your body, mind and spirit for meditation and the Tantric scriptures teach us to meditate in everything that we do from how we move our bodies to washing the dishes! The practice of Tantric Hatha aims to cultivate Relaxation and create moments of stillness and ease within our bodies so that we can take this frame of mind off the mat and into every moment of our day. This is a gentle, calming Hatha Yoga practice which aims to cultivate relaxation knowing that the mind and body work most efficiently when calm and relaxed. The postures are held for 2-3 mins each with resting postures in between to allow the energy created flow through the body with the use of the breath being a key component. This is very much an energy based practice which journeys through the chakras. This practice is suitable for everyone and if you are looking for a calming practice to counteract our sometimes hectic lifestyles then I think you will really enjoy this. Its also great for people just starting off on their journey of yoga aswel as we learn to use the breath as a tool to slow down the mind and to sink deeper into the Asanas (postures) by releasing tensions and strains that we unconsciously carry in our muscles. Through specialized breathing and meditation techniques, we build sensitivity to the more subtle forces within the body which is called prana or vital life force. The ancient Hatha Yogis believed through learning to control prana, one also learns to control the mind. I will be running the Class for 5 weeks from July 28th on Friday mornings at 10.15am-11.30am and I want to invite you to join me for the 5 weeks to travel through the journey of releasing the mind and creating a sense of harmony between body,mind and spirit and noticing the difference between week 1 and week 5. But of course you can drop in whenever it suits you also! Cost of class is €10 drop in or 5 weeks for €40. Any questions or to book a mat dont hesitate to get in touch 0868612283 Hope to see you soon! Clare
Thursday Yoga classes with Ann , Let your inner light shine .... Beginners Yoga ..and meditation ..5.30 -6.30 pm drop in €10 Beginners Yoga Flow ... A new 5 week course begins ... 8.15 pm -9.30 pm .. A course of 5 classes is€50 or drop in available @€12 .. For booking or Enquiry contact Ann on 0872475624 . lNamaste
JULY TIMETABLE UPDATE Clare and Mary are away on their holidays - lucky ladies! Clare will start a new Tantric Hatha course on Friday Mornings 28th July 10:15-11:30am. (Typo on timetable!) Eithne will be taking the first two weeks of August off so get your vinyasa fix in now. Ann's classes all running as normal including her new Meditation course on Monday evenings 6:45-8pm. Please check event page for further workshops and courses. All at DYC.
Just a quick reminder lovely yogis that Strong and Slow Flow wont be on tonight. We will be back on the mats Wednesday 2nd of August 8.15pm-9.30pm for another 5 week course to explore and flow, shining light on all those hidden parts of the body and mind. Enjoy the break! Clare
Don't forget we've vinyasa flow 3 times this week with E: Wed 6:45-8pm Vinyasa beginners - level 1 Fri 7:15-8:30pm Slow Flow all levels Sat 10-11:30am Vinyasa level 1-2 What I mean by levels: * Beginners - exactly that! * Level 1 - knows sun Salutes and most common poses. Starting to integrate breath and movement more. * Level 2 - breath movement connection stronger, starting to hold arm balances/standing postures longer. Higher body awareness and more developed yogic breath. I'll be taking a break in August so get me when you can! All classes €12 drop in. See you on the mats!