Dun Laoghaire Methodist Church
Dun Laoighaire Methodist Church, Dun Laoighaire, Dublin.
Every Sunday there's Morning Worship at 11.00 Welcome to Dun Laoghaire Methodist Church.
We are delighted to welcome visitors to our church both from the local community and from people visiting Ireland. We invite you to join with us for tea and coffee in the hall after the morning service.
We are a living community that has activities of interest for all age groups from our Monday Club for the retired members of the wider community and we have a crèche, a small Sunday School and a Youth Discussion Group each Sunday morning.
We are just completing the process of redeveloping our church property to enable us to enrich our worship and outreach to the community. We returned back to worshipping in the church building on Sunday 7th September and had the official re-opening with a dedication service on 5th October at which the President of the Methodist Church in Ireland was our guest preacher.
Sunday Services
Every Sunday 11.00 Morning Worship.
First Sunday 11.00 Holy Communion.
Every Sunday 11.00 Crèche, Sunday Club & Discussion Group
Tell your friends
facebook.comThis is so relevant in today's World..take the time to do it.
This is an evening that will delight you, the singing is stunning the surroundings will be beautiful a feast for all your senses..all funds will be donated to the Church's benevolent fund to help others less fortunate.
For everyone this week.🙏🙏
Is this relevant in your life??
Next weekend Paradoxology will be back at Electric Picnic, we are collecting tray bakes, home made baking this coming Weds 30 and Thurs 31, they can be dropped into our church hall (Enable Ireland) from 8.30 to 5pm all contributions will be welcome.
Oh so true....
Some of these are priceless!!
The power of prayer is inspirational
Sometimes with trials or our everyday busyness we forget...God and our relationship with Him.
Now isn't this the truth.....
Worth thinking about....I'm glad I can swim!!!
In our church we care about people..we are trying to find ways to overcome the loneliness epidemic in society suggestions are welcome.