PC Engineers
WE FIX COMPUTERS LAPTOPS MACS PHONES PC Engineers, located in Sallynoggin, Dun Laoghaire, provides Quality & Professional Computer/ Laptop/ Smart phone/ Tablet Repairs in Dublin. Our specialty is Graphic Chip repair and chip level motherboard and electronics repair. Our technicians are well capable of resolving Hardware and Software problems like virus removal, malware removal, spyware removal, windows software problems ,Wi-Fi problems or Internet problems or broadband problems, Internet usb dongle not working, resolving slowing down laptop or computer, blue screen errors or laptop freezing or overheating and laptop keyboard repair or laptop keyboard replacement , laptop screen repair ,Laptop harddrive Repair or Replacement. we carry out all repairs locally in our Store.
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Why spend your hard earned money in so called Apple Authorised store when you get the same parts and better service here at www.pcengineers.ie??? We specialize in MacBook, iMac, iPhone & iPad repairs..
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Wanna cry dunces cud make only €50000!!!! Pathetic!!!
Fidget Spinners in Stock!! €4.99 Only
Yahoo! Is DEAD! Will Be Renamed Altaba!!!
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