Centre for Global Health, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
In analysing Global Health we address health problems and issues that transcend national boundaries, and informed by the circumstances and experiences of countries in differing contexts. We are a multidisciplinary team of individuals who share the common goal of strengthening health systems to ensure that every individual has access to quality healthcare. This goal is reflected in all of our teaching and research activities.
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facebook.comCONTEXT − COllaborative Network for Training and EXcellence in psychoTraumatology
CONTEXT launch in the Long Room Hub
The efficacy of nudge theory strategies in influencing adult dietary behaviour: a systematic review and meta-analysis
The efficacy of nudge theory strategies in influencing adult dietary behaviour: a systematic review and meta-analysis Anneliese Arno (MSc Global Health class of 2014) and Steve Thomas
Gorta-Self Help Africa is seeking qualified individuals, groups or companies to carry out an end of project evaluation of an Irish Aid-funded programme in Uganda. Full details are available at: https://selfhelpafrica.org/ie/projectevaluation/ Closing date for submissions is 21st October 2016.
DSA Ireland Conference 2016: Call for Papers Extended!
AIDS2016 discussion held in Dublin | Yeah! English
At the Centre for Global Health HQ on Leinster Street South, the Irish Forum for Global Health, Concern Worldwide, Dochas and the Centre for Global Health co-hosted a feedback session on the Aids2016 conference which took place in Durban in mid-July. http://yeahenglish.net/?p=1791
Timeline Photos
CGH is proud to announce 12 new fully-funded PhD positions available through the CONTEXT programme. Please join us for the launch on Wednesday September 28th at 12noon in the Long Room Hub. RSVP to fvallier[at]tcd.ie. See www.psychotraumanetwork.com for more information.
Beats Medical - Graduate Position Available
If you are looking to drive your career in the medical technology field, to develop your skills in communications, research and marketing and enjoy working in a fast-paced, challenging environment, we want you to join Beats Medical to help transform healthcare! To find out more, have a look at our 2 new graduate positions available below: Video Ad : https://youtu.be/JtOc5H7DrCY
Timeline Photos
First one in this morning! Well done Sonja!!!
Congratulations to INDIGO student Dr. Simon Nantamu, who submitted his PhD thesis last week!
Photos from Centre for Global Health, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland's post
Beautiful box decorated by Megan waiting for dissertations!
Cordaid - Building Flourishing communities
Health Manager Position available in Cordaid Starting date: 1st of August 2016 End date: 31st of January 2017 Location: During the assigned period the Health Manager will be stationed in Freetown, Sierra Leone, with frequent travel to and periodic stays in the provinces. JOB DETAILS Aim of Health Department Delivers healthcare improvements in systems and communities in fragile contexts through implementation of projects on services and governance, transparent health contracting and efficient implementation of sexual reproductive health, teenage pregnancy prevention and improved data delivery for evidence. Aim of the Job Cordaid is hiring a Health Unit Manager who will be responsible for program development and management, monitoring and evaluation, program results and relationship management. TO APPLY Please show your suitability for this post by writing a convincing reason why you should receive a detailed job specification and further information regarding the relevant pay scale. Please also include your salary expectations. Please forward your request to Sharron Kelliher, Country Director at sharron.kelliher@cordaid.org To find out more about Cordaid please go to www.cordaid.org Women strongly encouraged to apply
Job Vacancies in GOAL | GOAL Global
There are a range of differerent positions available at Goal 2016 Global Talent Programme