The Lutheran Church in Ireland / Die evangelisch-lutherische Kirche in Irland The Lutheran Church in Ireland has been in existence in Ireland for 300 years and belongs to the worldwide communion of Lutheran Churches. It maintains a special relationship to the „Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland“ (EKD). A large majority of our members and friends come from German speaking regions in Europe. Today more than 3000 Christians of German Lutheran and Reformed background live on the island of Ireland.
The mother parish is in Dublin, where the Pastor is based. Every Sunday at 11 a.m. Divine Service is held in St. Finian’s Church, 24 Adelaide Road , Dublin 2.
Lutheran Worship Services with Eucharist are held every Sunday at 11am in St. Finian's Church. Services are in German except the last Sunday morning of each month, which is in English. The first Sunday of every month is Children / Family Service in German. Additional evening worship services in English are held at 6pm mid-month, dates as announced in our newsletters. If you wish to join our English or German-language email lists, please contact
Regular services in German also take place in Sligo, Galway, Limerick, Killarney, Cork, Wexford, and Castlepollard.
On the last Sunday of every month, the Pastor holds a Lutheran service in German in the Moravian Church,University Road, in Belfast in Northern Ireland.
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ALL ARE INVITED to the International Lutherans Assembly in the English language THIS Sunday. We need you there to discuss church business and gather feedback and ideas for the future of St. Finian's Church! Please stick around after 11am worship in English this Sunday 25th June. YOUR PRESENCE & PRAYERS are what make us CHURCH :)
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St. Finian's Sommerfest BBQ following Election and AGM on Sunday 18th June! Once church business has concluded our Sommerfest will commence in the Lutherhaus and garden. Please be invited to join in this wonderful social time together as a congregation. Contributions of food (salads, cakes, nibbles, drinks) to the table are most welcome. Please contact the Pastorate ( if you have any queries. See you there!
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CHURCH COUNCIL ELECTION 2017! After 11am worship service in German on Sunday 18th June, we will hold St. Finian’s Church Council Election. We strongly urge all church members to be present to cast their vote or vote via mail! All members will receive further information via the next Gemeindebrief and direct mailing from the Pastorate. The election is part of the church assembly (AGM). Church members are invited to join the Assembly after service around 12:15 with casting of votes. Refreshment will be served at the same time. Around 1pm the Church Assembly will continue with further points on the agenda. The language of the Assembly will be German, with translation available and comments/questions welcome in English or German. The Assembly will be concluded with the announcement of the elections result. All registered members of the Lutheran Church in Ireland who are confirmed, from the age of 14 (or going to be 14 this year) are entitled to vote. Please see more information about the process and candidates in the latest Gemeindebrief. If you would like to participate, but are not certain about your registration or have not been registered yet, please contact the Pastorate: Thank you!
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THIS SUNDAY: We are very pleased to invite you to a special Pentecost Service with Eucharist on Sunday 4th June at 11am in St. Finian's Church. Worship will feature many languages including English and will be led by Pastor Stephan Arras and others, accompanied by St. Finian's Gospel Choir, followed by coffee and fellowship in the Lutherhaus. Come listen to the many voices of the Spirit!
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There’s a lot going on this June at St. Finian’s Lutheran Church. Please take a moment to review the events and services below, mark your calendar and join us when you can. You are most welcome!
All are invited to the wonderful talks and services happening around Dublin and in Arklow for this year's Ecumenical Bible Week June 4th - 11th 2017. St. Finian's will be hosting the Opening and Closing events as well as talks. Please take a moment to peruse the full event listings on the website:
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We are proud to host this charity event at St. Finian's Church. Please come along - tickets €15 at the door
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Please be reminded that Sunday morning worship will be in English this Sunday 28th May at 11am at St. Finian's Church. The Eucharist service on this Sunday Exaudi, the last before Pentecost will be focused on the theme of "When the Spirit comes..." and will be led by Pastor Martin Sauter. As always there will be fellowship over tea and coffee in the Lutherhaus.
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Ascension Day Hike this Thursday* 25th May at 8pm. You are invited to our special Ascension Day tradition! Each year we take to the outdoors and hold a brief and beautiful prayer service "on high" atop Dalkey Hill, enjoying stunning views and fresh air. Bring your friends and family! Attendees should dress for the weather and meet at 8pm in the car park of Dalkey DART Station. Our efforts will be rewarded by refreshments and fellowship at the home of the Blau Family afterwards. Many thanks to our gracious hosts! For catering purposes, please notify the Pastorate if you wish to partake of refreshments: *Please also note that there will be NO Thursday Prayer / Donnerstagsgebet at St. Finian's on 25th May in order to accommodate this event.
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=J.S. Bach Concert this Saturday at 8pm= As part of ‘LUTHER 500’ celebrations, our neighbours Methodist Centenary Church, Leeson Park are hosting a J.S. Bach Concert Music by Luther’s greatest musical champion, J.S.Bach including popular Cello, Guitar, Organ, Piano, Violin and Vocal repertoire items. Performances by supporters and friends of Centenary and Dublin Korean Methodist Church – Boon Beng-Shu, David Booth, Se-Jung, Hyejin Seo, Brian McIvor, Bo-Young and Derek Seymour. Compere, Ross Hinds. SATURDAY 20th MAY 2017 at 8pm METHODIST CENTENARY CHURCH WESLEY HOUSE, LEESON PARK DUBLIN 6. FREE ADMITTANCE; VOLUNTARY DONATIONS ACCEPTED TOWARDS CHURCH FUNDS
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Please join us THIS Sunday 14th May at 6pm for SundayNight@StFinians, our mid-month worship service in English. Pastor Martin Sauter will lead us this Cantate Sunday as we explore the theme of singing and praise. All are welcome!
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Ascension Day Hike 2017! Mark your calendar now for Thursday* 25th May at 8pm as we continue our tradition of taking to the outdoors and holding a brief service "on high" atop Dalkey Hill for Ascension Day, enjoying stunning views and fresh air. Attendees should dress for the weather and meet at 8pm in the car park of Dalkey DART Station. Our efforts will be rewarded by refreshments and fellowship at the home of the Blau Family afterwards. Many thanks to our gracious hosts! Please be welcome to bring friends and family! For catering purposes, please notify the Pastorate if you wish to partake of refreshments. *Please also note that there will be NO Thursday Prayer / Donnerstagsgebet at St. Finian's on 25th May in order to accommodate this event.