St.Maximus & St.Domatius Coptic Orthodox church
Our church is part of the diocese of Scotland, Ireland, Northeast England and its affiliated regions, headed by His Grace, Bishop Antony.
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Last Sunday we celebrated the first baptism in the Church! May God continue to bless and protect our Church
For those whose aim is to spread terror Lord, change their hearts For those who suffer from fear Lord, bring your peace For those who work for justice Lord, give them success For those who seek to comfort Lord, grant them compassion For those who work against evil Lord, bring your protection For those who work for open dialogue Lord, bring opportunity For all those who work for a better world Lord, grant them your wisdom, power and strength. Amen
Saint Maximos and Saint Domadios Coptic Church Dublin - Ireland
Engagement Atia & Christen
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كيري اليسون
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Photos from St.Maximus & St.Domatius Coptic Orthodox church's post
الشروبيم يسجدون لك و السيرافيم يسبحونك صارخين قائلين قدوس قدوس رب الصاباءوت
Faith in God is not belief where there is no evidence. The Gospel writers make it clear that we are to seek out the evidence in order to believe. We are told that they wrote these things in order that we could believe. We must continue to seek the evidence and build our faith on that. Evidence can be found all around us in science, nature, history, personal testimony, archeology, fulfilled prophecy and so much more – we just need to seek and the promise is there that we will find it. Copied