Clever Hygiene Solutions Ltd.
Door Handle Sanitizing System Door handles and in particular washroom or restroom door handles are a well-documented source of contamination and pose a considerable health risk if left untreated. Improving hygiene standards and protecting staff members, visitors and patients from exposure to harmful bacteria and viruses should always be given priority. It is a known fact that germs and viruses such as the common flu virus, norovirus and many other pathogens, once introduced, spread rapidly throughout building and therefore prevention or cleaning intervention is the only sure way of significantly reducing the risks of cross contamination.
According to a recent study presented to the American Society for Microbiology, using tracer viruses, researchers showed that within 2 to 4 hours of contaminating a single doorknob, the virus could be detected on 40 to 60 percent of the workers or occupants of the facility in question. The costs associated with absenteeism or indeed presenteeism as a result of cross contamination within the workplace can be quite significant with key members of staff missing from time to time and it would be much more cost effective to introduce precautionary measures such as always aspiring to improve hygiene standards within the workplace.
We have developed a very simple, cost effective mechanical door handle sanitizer that requires no batteries or power supply. Our unit sits above the door handle and each time the door closes the unit atomises a tiny amount of sanitizer (0.1ml) onto the door handle. It is a non-voluntary action (cannot be stopped) and not only cleans the door handle but results in the additional passive spreading of sanitizer throughout the area in which the unit is installed.
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The Dropping Well has installed our door handle sanitising system to all of their washrooms making The Dropping Well one of the safest pubs/ restaurants to eat in, in Ireland. Washroom door handles spread germs.
Clever Hygiene Solutions Ltd.
The Beacon Hospital has installed Door Handle Sanitisers throughout the Hospital. The risk of cross contamination from door handles in the hospital has been greatly reduced and this demonstrates their commitment to providing the highest hygiene standards and safest envirnonment for patients, staff and visitors