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In an automated world, will it be time to put humans out to pasture? Are we hurtling together towards a leisure-time #utopia or robot-tended human zoos? A #FlashBackFriday to #TheMindfulnessMachine at our exhibition #HUMANSNEEDNOTAPPLY. The Mindfulness Machine is a robot that likes to colour in. It’s an exploration into a future where "the AIs will need to chill out just as much as we do." Alan #Turing’s argument, to paraphrase, was that if an artificial intelligence can demonstrate emotions and feelings, who are we to say that it doesn’t truly feel them? As we approach the #singularity, these robot brains will no doubt experience feelings of anxiety and stress just as we do and, as such, will need to find mediation techniques to help them. . . . #ScienceGallery #HumanZoo #RoboticRelaxation #RoboStress #Automation #TCD #TrinityCollegeDublin #STEM #STEAM #Science #Art #Technology #Robotics #ScienceArt #ArtScience #ScienceCommunication #SciComm
How precious is your time? How much of it do we sacrifice to satisfy societal beauty ideals? Womanhours is a performance piece by Australian artist Tyler Payne showcasing what is needed to achieve PERFECTION by today’s standards and defetishising the processes behind our beauty regimes. Curious? Come and visit PERFECTION over the summer or visit
How Social Media Amplifies Our Need to Live up To Cultural Models of Perfection
Is social media transforming society and culture as we know it? And do the merits outweigh the pitfalls? via @Medium
The Demiurge, created by Jaden Hastings, is an artificial intelligence that has been trusted with editing the artist’s genetic code. In a world where we are slowly relying on robots to perform surgeries, could we one day being to trust a machine to chop and change the very code that makes us what we are? Curious? Come see the Demiurge for yourself from now until 06.10.19 or find out more at:
DOES A ROBOT MAKE FOR A PERFECT PARTNER? With customisable personality traits and body parts could Harmony or her male counterpart, Henry be your perfect companion? Using cutting edge robotics and AI, her creators use socially intelligent companion technology to facilitate interactions between humans and machines. But are there ethical implications in designing your perfect partner? Curious? Come and talk to Harmony yourself during Science Gallery’s current exhibition PERFECTION, which runs until 6th of October or find out more here
Would you throw out a wonky looking pepper? You may not get a chance as a lot of food waste occurs before the food even reaches the supermarket shelves. Curious? Come and visit PERFECTION or find out more at
WHAT IS THE POINTS? is a panel discussion featuring Cian Donovan, Aoife Dooley, Catherine O’Connor and hosted by Diane McSweeney. The panel will look at legitimacy of the current Leaving Certificate Examinations, the pressures facing students, and if we should continue to use this system to adjudicate the future of Irish youths.
Why do we feel the need to surgically modify ourselves and whose idea of beauty are we really trying to meet? Origins of plastic surgery have a surprisingly long history - the first treatments for the plastic repair of a broken nose dates back to the Old Kingdom in Ancient Egypt from 3000 to 2500 BC which begs the question, where do ever-changing beauty ideals even originate from and where is the limit for their intrusive reach? Omnipresence is an exhibit in our current exhibition PERFECTION. It is ORLAN’s seventh medical performance in a series of plastic surgery operations in which the artist altered her appearance to reflect the ideals of Western art and cultural pressures of beauty. ORLAN underwent surgeries that included forehead implants to reflect Leonardo Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa’s prominent brow and a prosthetic chin to echo Sandro Botticelli’s Venus, The artist’s intimate surgeries become a public spectacle and her body becomes an art canvas. Come and visit PERFECTION which runs until 6th October or find out more at
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Can we determine our future doctors, engineers and rocket scientists by forcing them to pass complex exams that may not even relate to their chosen career path? Join us tomorrow for a lively panel discussion debating the legitimacy of the current Leaving Certificate Examinations, held to coincide with the CAO offers. To find out more and to register for your free ticket, visit:
Is our education system fit for purpose in the 21st-century?
It's Leaving Certificate Results week. Is this systematic measure of a narrow range of skills fit for purpose in a rapidly evolving society? Or is it dampening students’ innate curiosity and leading to a culture of dependency? via The Irish Times
Science Foundation Ireland
Open call for artists: Science Gallery Dublin, supported by SFI's Discover Programme, will commission work as part of 'PLASTIC', which will be exhibited in the gallery from October 2019 to February 2020, and will then tour nationally throughout the remainder of 2020
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We're excited to announce that with the support of @SFI Discover Programme, we are seeking to commission up to four artworks to be exhibited during 2020 as part of our PLASTIC national programme. Click here to find out more: