Since its foundation in 1974, Kimmage DSC has facilitated education and training for development professionals working in a range of occupations from over 65 countries.
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facebook.comHappy Christmas! Have you always wanted a Kimmage DSC Hoodie? Go on treat yourself - great to keep you warm this weather Special New Years Offer!! Hoodie including P&P to anywhere in the world is €25.00 Hoodies are available in Green, Purple and Grey and in sizes come in Small, Medium and Large Please order through this link:
Contemporary Issues in Development Evening Course starts 15th January Sign up here!
Plan International - Let Me Decide and Thrive Research report on the global discrimination and exclusion of girls and young women with disabilities
Lunchtime Seminar at Kimmage DSC: Unaccompanied Refugee Children on the Move in Europe. Monday 18th December from 2pm - 3.30pm Karen Moynihan (Kimmage DSC graduate) will give a presentation on the current context for unaccompanied children on the move in Europe. Karen will give a short presentation on the situation for unaccompanied minors in Europe and on her experience of working supporting children on the move. There will be an opportunity for discussion afterwards. All are welcome
Have you used the SARAR approach in your evaluation work? How have you found it as a practical system of working with people / groups/ communities? SARAR is the recognition and affirmation of people’s innate abilities. The system aims to help people recognize these talents within themselves and to use them. Two main principles are: · People will solve their own problems best in a participatory group process. · The group collectively will have enough information and experience to begin to address its own problems.
Special Welcome Café Event in Collaboration with Arabesque in the Chester Beatty Library Monday 18th December 6.00 to 8.30 p.m. The Welcome Cafe aims to create a space of welcome to celebrate diversity and intercultural exchange. The Cafe wants to give a platform to individuals, groups and organisations who share similar values. We want to give voice and visibility to the diverse peoples who now are resident in Ireland.
Plan your New Year Training resolutions now. 2018 KODE Course Schedule Announced including courses on Child Safeguarding, M&E, HIV & Gender, Project Planning and much more!
Plan your New Year Training resolutions now. 2018 KODE Course Schedule Announced including courses on Child Safeguarding, M&E, HIV & Gender, Project Planning and much more!
Akidwa Dare to Dialogue: Engaging Men and Faith Leaders to Combat GBV 10am Tuesday 5th December IHREC 16-22 Green Street, D7 For many decades, narratives on addressing GBV have mainly focused on women’s empowerment, leaving aside male dimension as hegemonic agency. As a consequence, the struggle between emancipated women and their partners who hold onto assumed structural power constructed by patriarchal societies has resulted into more violence that never promote peace and victimizes both parties and children involved. The experience of AkiDwA in engaging men on GBV issues has unveiled challenges encountered by migrants deeply imbedded into patriarchal cultures and fails to adopt the notion of gender equality. Since 2010 AkiDwA has integrated male component on its work on GBV with the hope that working with men alongside their female family members helps prevent a backlash from dominant male partners by enabling men to understand how changes in women’s roles could have a positive impact on the family, and giving men a chance to adjust to these changes. The seminar aims is to create a platform where men, women and faith leaders can reflect and discuss gender based violence from gender, religious faith and cultural/ traditions perspective. The seminar hopes to develop strategies with men and faith leaders on engaging society to combat GBV without leaving anyone behind.