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MK Perio Ireland

14 Greenhills Road, Walkinstown, Dublin, Ireland
Medical & Health



MK Perio Dental Clinic offers treatments in the areas of non-surgical and surgical periodontology, minor oral surgery and dental implantology Dr. Maher Kemmoona runs the practice with dental professionals who have experience working in both general and specialist practices. Maher has a unique set of technical skills from his training and studying in Germany and Ireland. He brings these skills and a broad understanding and knowledge base to the practice.

We pride ourselves on a patient centred approach. We offer thorough patient education, gentle treatment methods, well-trained staff and high quality patient service. We work in partnership with other dentists of the community to help ensure comprehensive care for our patients.

Our practitioners are members of the EFP (European Federation of Perio), Irish Dental Council, Irish Society of Periodontlogy and Irish Dental Association


We are looking for a interested dental hygienist to join our specialist periodontal practice - one day per week . If interested please send on your CV to either or PM message here.

Implant Practice US August September 2016 Vol 9 No 4 a little light reading if you find yourself interested in implant dentistry.....

Idna Ireland

Teeth in a few hours.......

This is an example of providing a patient with fixed teeth on dental implants in just one day. Be aware there are some images taken during the actual surgery here. Patients then can wear a provisonal fixed prosthesis for a significant period of time prior to upgrading to - in this case - a Ti-Acryilc hybrid bridge.

Teeth in a few hours.......

June 03rd, 2016

Finally some fantastic educational tools for periodontal patients

Peter Kay Fans

Diabetes and Dental Implants - Are we taking a risk?

Untitled Album

A complex perio-implant treatment comes to conclusion after 2 years. Multiple apicectomies and unaestethic crowns left this young lady quite unhappy with her teeth. Looking forward to see her smile again.

Untitled Album

May 11th, 2016

Who thought that we one day would come back to periodontal health being part of overall well-being!!!

After 5 years of previous problems our patient eventually receives a removable implant supported bridge on pre-fabricated stock telescopic abutments - beautiful finish palate free by the Eurocast Dental Lab, Dublin

After 5 years of previous problems our patient eventually receives a removable implant supported bridge on pre-fabricated stock telescopic abutments - beautiful finish palate free by the Eurocast Dental Lab, Dublin

Timeline Photos

Garfield - straight to the point. And yet I wonder if it is the right way to communicate something. Ever wondered when it is correct to be direct and when not? Communication is the essence of even dental practice.

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"Please Introduce Yourselves"


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