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Electric cigaretets 4U

Buy all you're E-Cigarettes here and you're multi flavored E-Liquid to go with it.  I started smoking cigarettes when I was 15 or 16 I Was able to go to the store, buy any cigarette I wanted as long as I had the money. Well, in January of 2013, knowing of the damages to my health and financial short comings, as well as other attempts to stop smoking using the patch, pills, cold turkey and hypnosis all failed, I tried the e-cigs.
I have not had one craving, nor a cigarette since that day. My Partner also quit smoking which is brilliant.
Our cost of smoking was over €252 or more a month and €3024 per year! Since quitting smoking, I have worked hard on educating myself on the subject as best I can, and have found some interesting facts about the chemicals used in the e-cigarettes. Everything used in them is ingestible! In fact, some parts of the fluids are used in the health care industry to sterilize breathing air (propylene glycol) The nicotine used is typically pharmaceutical grade and typically around 1.8% concentration.
Let's look at the "Other" uses of nicotine for a sec. It is used in health care as patches to help with Alzheimer's, heart issues, concentration deficiencies and more. Is it safe? Well, technically nothing is safe when you over use it! I started "Vaping" at 18mg (1.8% nicotine) and within 6 months after finding the right flavors I enjoyed, I was able to drop that level down to 4mg and some flavors at 0mg.

I now am active in helping smokers find their way off cigarettess, and actually I support stopping vaping eventually, but have found that I have been able to help people regain a confidence and self esteem that smokers are stripped of. The abuse smokers take emotionally is unreal! There is no support for a smoker except to quit, most want you to feel like crap to encourage you to quit, but that has led to more suicides and depression. Vaping does not do that to people. In fact, there are some that have carried their open pack of cigarette's for months without taking another out of it.
There is no long term studies on vaping at this point, why? not sure, the idea was discovered in 1942 that vaporized propylene glycol actually helps kill bacteria and can rid smokers lungs of some really bad garbage, but yet the tobacco and pharmaceutical industries are still doing well. in fact, they tie together quite well once you step back and see what the plan is!

Also, for more FACTS about electronic cigarettes and the actual studies that are ongoing and not funded by the unregulated FDA, look at
There you will find unbiased information. If there is something bad, they show it, if there is something good, they show it. We vaper's are supportive of finding the healthier way, not just to get what we want.

Facts are, some people will see a picture of smoke and their eyes and throat get irritated! Some have developed such a lust for the opposition of smoking that the mere mention of smoking causes an  allergic reaction that has no relation to smoking other than the psychological programming that has been done by the media.



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