Daghda Amatsu Orthopathic Centre
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Here is the heads up on slouching or the smart phone posture. https://youtu.be/db4PipQ3VvQ
Keeping you ahead of your ailments by encouraging and preserving performance. https://youtu.be/db4PipQ3VvQ
Q. What is the most successful method to get my condition under control? A. There are 4 steps 1. Practitioner and patient must understand the condition, its effect on the body - symptoms and origin, its history and adaptations. 2. Initiate a course of treatment that deals with the above and create an understanding of the course of your treatment. 3. Develop your awareness on how to use your body efficiently to speed up your recovery while learning a principle of movement that maintains the optimum result. 4. Enjoy the result and appreciate that your health, welfare and longevity needs to be maintained now and never taken for granted. ADDRESS Daghda Amatsu Injury Clinic, Amatsu Orthopathic Centre, 104 Sundrive Road, Kimmage, Dublin 12. Tel 01 4550103 or 01 4444500 Mob 086 8139102 or 089 7002408. E mail. info@daghda-ireland.ie Web site has map....... Web. www.daghda-Ireland.ie Also Google map link below. https://goo.gl/maps/TQCo4zdMTok https://youtu.be/db4PipQ3VvQ
Q – Why is my body getting injured when I exercise, I thought exercise was healthy? A. Exercise shall make you fit; fit and healthy are two very different things. I know many exceptionally fit people, yet they are anything but healthy - as they don’t look after or prevent injuries or eat right for the activity they are doing. An Exercise programme designed specifically for you that has a gradual progression towards your result with proper recovery time between workouts. A programme that is tutored properly by an instructor that is fully trained and ethical (not just selling results at all costs to your health). With the proper nutritional advice (a meal plan that you can maintain for the rest of your life) is the way to combine fit and healthy to the maximum effect. Exercise and healthy living is a lifestyle choice and should be taken on as a long term habit. You did not fall out of shape in 6 weeks. Your body is designed to last a life time; you can contribute to how long a life time is. Q – So why do I get injured when I don’t remember having an accident or a fall? A. There are two main reasons. 1. The nature of exercise that people are choosing today is difficult for an instructor to quality control. Boot camps, strong man, TRX, etc. are all excellent classes under the fussy and observant instructor. These classes are dynamic and are asking the novice to preform exercises that are way outside of their familiar movement. However most of the instructors have attended a weekend seminar of training in the discipline they are teaching and don’t have the skills to personally to police the quality of your technique (seek out only the well qualified personal trainers for such classes). As such you are pulling your body asunder with very dynamic movements that you have no history of training for. 2. The second and most important reason is the body alignment. In simple if you’re misaligned your body is underperforming. Exercising on this twisted body will only add to the issue and an injury will present quickly. This factor exists in all of the population to different degrees based on how postural aware you are. To try live with a body twisted or out of alignment is going to cause a compromise to your health. To exercise with the twist in place is guaranteed to lead to an injury. However to exercise with the body properly aligned gets you to a greater result faster with the potential for long term sustainability of your new found health. Q – What’s this twist you speak of? A. - Everybody has postural bias which is a dominant hand, foot, even a dominant body side. Every day you are using one side of your body more than the other. What hand do you write, hammer a nail, and iron a shirt with. What foot kicks a ball, takes the first step on a stairs. All this leads to an imbalance in the muscle and calcium distribution in your body (including ligamentous and nervous system dysfunction). Exercising on this can accelerate the degeneration that the misalignment creates.. THE NUT SHELL Take the Twist/Misalignment out and enjoy the benefits of your exercise efforts. The reward for your commitment to a healthy & fit lifestyle must be proportionate to the dedication you put in. Get and Keep your alignment right and enjoy the full fruits of your exercise and healthy choices. To exercise without injury – Get balanced and aligned with your Amatsu Practitioner. Choose a Professional Instructor/Personal Trainer. Take an exercise plan and lifestyle plan that is long term sustainable and balanced. Enjoy an enriched Life Span. https://youtu.be/db4PipQ3VvQ
“In order to begin the progression to good health. To desire it is important, yet to decide that you deserve it is fundamental.” Q. What is the most common ailment you treat? A. The single biggest issue that I deal with is not what you would expect - a back, knee, hip, shoulder problem or one of the many ailments we treat. It is in fact most often the vagueness or unawareness of the actual problem that the client has. I have got to help them understand what the problem is, what they have to do to help recover and that pain is only an indicator of an area under stress not necessarily the area that is causing the ailment. This is the first aspect of their recovery that I address. https://youtu.be/db4PipQ3VvQ
Amatsu Oracle - Amatsu Orthopathic Therapy Treating your ailments and pacing your recovery.
Knee Cap https://www.facebook.com/gmcgrillan/posts/10154027079895407