Fierce Fun
Download Big Bad Quiz free to your phone or tablet Located in Dublin, Ireland, we are a casual games development studio specialising in mobile apps & online games, for Apple, Android and HTML5 platforms. Our goal is to make games that make people think – not just about the game but other issues that affect us all; poverty, social injustice, human rights, corporate greed and the list goes on. With the advent of mobile tech and the Internet, our big planet is now just one community; however not all of us have the same human experience. Hopefully our games will be fun to play and get you thinking about everyone in our global community.
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Mindframe gameplay screen ..........coming soon to your phone
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Mindframe world map.... see more here
Game Development Internships / Work Experience positions
Mindframe Register today to get the beta version of the game!
Fierce Fun's cover photo
Fierce Fun
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Screenshot of our new game ,,, now called Mindframe
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Do you like our Vampire Penguin ?
Meesha's Maze
Meesha's Maze...coming soon to Facebook, Android and Apple
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Happy St Patrick's Day!... can you guess all the Irish characters in our picture puzzle ?