Sells Farrow&Ball, Colourtrend, Dulux, Fleetwood.
Wallpapers include Brian Yates, Today Interiors, Harlequin, Gallerie, Casamance,
Romo, Graham&Brown, Italian Classics plus many more. Coolmine Decor is run by Frances and Dave McCaghy, and has been providing in depth advice and a personal service to customers since 1994.
Whether you are repainting a room, looking for the perfect wallpaper for your home or have a decorating problem you need an answer to our team are here to help. We don't do unsatisifed customers.
Our aim is for you to leave completely happy with your purchases and on the way to creating your perfect room. Come in and talk to Frances, Deirdre or Ann.
Tell your friends
facebook.comWe are open today until 6pm and tomorrow 9-6. Happy Easter to all.
We just love this bedroom. What dreams are made of. Stiffkey blue Farrow&Ball
Call in tomorrow morning between 10-1and get free expert advice from Ciara from Drennan Interiors. So if you need a little help finding that perfect colour scheme call in and she will be delighted to help.
What do you think of these colours from Colortrend?
Just a few gorgeous colours by Fleetwood Paints. Hallway Classic Ivory. Lounge Grey Nuance
We are open today and if you mention this Facebook post we will give you a whopping 20% off all wallpaper! TODAY ONLY
Call in for all your paints today. Mention this Facebook post and we'll give you 10% off. TODAY ONLY!
COOLMINE DECOR will be closed on Saturday St. Patrick`s day and will be open 9-6 on Monday 19th March
We will have Ciara Drennan from Drennan Interior design in store today from 10am to 1pm to give you lots of advice on colours. So if you need inspiration and free advice COOLMINE DECOR is the place to be today!
What a great colour!
We just want to let customers know that we are open today. Fleetwood, Colortrend, Dulux and lots of fabulous wallpapers.