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5 The Avenue, Beacon Court, Sandyford, Dublin, Ireland
Finance Company



Debtsolv is a wholly Irish owned company which specialises in helping people re-structure their debts so that loan repayments are manageable based on their current income and prospects. Our highly qualified staff have years of experience in the area of financial advice and dealing with large financial institutions. This expertise will ensure that our customers get the best results possible.

Right now, thousands of Irish people, through no fault of their own, find themselves unable to pay their bank loans, mortgages, car loan, credit union loan ,credit card payments etc.  We would like to say to these people:

Don't worry anymore, we can sort this out for you... NOW!

The process is easy
At Debtsolv we really believe in making the process as simple as possible so we have invested in the latest technology to make certain it is. All that you have to do is give us the items on our checklist. Usually these are bank statements, existing loan account numbers, income details and identification and you can do this by post, fax or email.

Alternatively you may want to meet one of our advisors at a location that suits you. We take care of everything from there on and you do not have to talk to the lender or creditor. When we have agreement with all other parties you have the final say on whether or not you wish to proceed.

Help & advice
Customer satisfaction is our number one priority. All our advisors are highly trained in customer care and solving your debt problems is our passion. We promise never to apply any pressure to accept a proposed solution and if you decide accept a solution then we will give you a further ten days cooling off period during which you can change your mind if you wish.

At Debtsolv we know how hard it is for people to accept that they are in financial difficulty. It is also a fairly new problem in Ireland where traditionally we have not burdened ourselves with huge debt levels. But it is a fact of life that many of us must face up to now. There is help however so just dial our hotline 1890 917 621 for an initial chat. 'It costs nothing to talk'.


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