Dublin Bar Academy
Education through Inspiration in the heart of Dublin! Ireland's only "real" bartender school! With our state-of-the-art training center and passionate instructors, we can guarantee you an amazing experience.
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facebook.comS.O.S. Ice Delivery Service! (Hoshizaki Ice maker)
Our most recent Tiki Night here at Dublin Bar Academy! What a turn out!
We had our Craft Beer night here in Dublin Bar Academy last night with the one and only @vanguardbeer - we got to learn about and taste different craft beers and really see how much beers differ from each other! So much knowledge in just one evening!
Just a few more days until the next 4 week international EBS course starts! We're pretty excited to meet everyone! #ebsdublin #europeanbartenderschool #dublinbaracademy #bartender #training
Great workshop hosted by "Off the Cuffe" Bitter Solutions!
Check this out!
Photos from our latest tiki event!
Stunning 5 star hotel looking for a great Mixologist to head up their cocktail bar. If you have the expertise needed and you are up for the challenge pm us for more details - please note this property is not in Dublin.
Today we had the lovely crew from Martello in, we have covered whiskey & gin, cocktail technique training, homemade products as well as the obligatory cocktail tasting to wrap it all up!