Occupational Physiotherapy Solutions - OPS
Occupational Physiotherapy Solutions Ltd (OPS) is an Irish consultancy and training services company in the areas of health & safety and ergonomics. Occupational Physiotherapy Solutions Ltd (OPS) is an Irish company providing consultancy and training services in the areas of workplace and office ergonomics, people handling, manual handling and standard and specialised Display Screen Equipment (DSE) workstation assessments. The two directors Lelia Jennings and Muriel Johnson are chartered physiotherapists and have worked together in the areas of ergonomics and health and safety for over ten years. All associate consultants and trainers are also chartered physiotherapists and members of the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists (ISCP).
OPS is a FETAC/QQI quality assured training provider and the OPS manual handling and people/patient handling instructor courses are validated by FETAC/QQI. Occupational Physiotherapy Solutions also deliver training courses in the areas of workplace ergonomics and frequently run open training programmes in Dublin, Ireland. OPS has a wide range of clients in the public and private sectors in the areas of healthcare, utilities, financial institutions and multinational IT companies.
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National Workplace Wellbeing Day takes place on March 31st! We will be tweeting our steps to workplace wellbeing on our twitter page @oopsireland #workwell17
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Happy Friday! Are you sitting in traffic this morning? Could you be an #activecommuter? #5SimpleSteps #WorkplaceWellness #Animation https://youtu.be/9URkQA0_qMc
Workplace Wellness
Check out our latest animation on #WorkplaceWellness for simple steps to optimising your well-being at work! #activecommute #sittingtime #activity #leisuretime #ergonomics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9URkQA0_qMc
Manual Handling Assessment Charts (the MAC tool) The MAC tool was developed to help the user identify high-risk workplace manual handling activities and can be used to assess the risks posed by lifting, carrying and team manual handling activities. It is designed to help you understand, interpret and categorise the level of risk of the various known risk factors associated with manual handling activities. It incorporates a numerical and a colour-coding score system to highlight high-risk manual handling tasks. http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg383.pdf
Risk assessment of pushing and pulling (RAPP) tool
The HSE UK have published a new Risk Assessment Tool for Pushing and Pulling Activities – the RAPP Tool. This tool will help you identify high-risk pushing and pulling operations and check the effectiveness of any risk-reduction measures. There are two types of pulling and pushing operations you can assess using this tool: - moving loads on wheeled equipment, such as hand trolleys, pump trucks, carts or wheelbarrows; - moving loads without wheels, which might involve actions such as dragging/sliding, churning (pivoting and rolling) and rolling. For each type of assessment there is a flow chart, an assessment guide and a score sheet. The flow charts provide an overview of the risk factors and assessment process, while the assessment guides provide information to help you determine the level of risk for each factor.
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For current evidence around the extent of, the risks from and potential solutions to sedentary behavior at work, check out Safe Work Australia's Report (2016) http://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/sites/SWA/about/Publications/Documents/959/Literature-Review-of-the-hazards-of-Sedentary-Work.pdf
Low back pain and sciatica in over 16s: assessment and management | Guidance and guidelines | NICE
The updated NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) guidelines for Assessment and Management of Low Back Pain and Sciatica in over 16s were published in November 2016. The recommendations in the guidelines represent the view of NICE, arrived at after careful consideration of the evidence available. The guidelines include recommendations on the following: · Assessment of low back pain and sciatica · Non-invasive treatments for low back pain and sciatica · Invasive treatments for low back pain and sciatica Here is the link to the updated guidance: https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng59
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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Muriel & Lelia, Occupational Physiotherapy Solutions! 😊 Wishing you all a happy, healthy and prosperous 2017 🎄🎁🎉 #Christmas #NewYear #OPS
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How long can you balance on one leg? Check out the www.oneleg.physio campaign and challenge yourself with the 'Difficult Dozen' balance exercises! #onelegphysio #balance #fridaychallenge
Occupational Physiotherapy Solutions (OPS) | Spring/Summer 2017 Course Dates Announced
We are pleased to announce our Spring/Summer 2017 Course Dates, reserve your place online now or contact info@oops.ie for further details! http://www.oops.ie/springsummer-2017-course-dates-announced/ #PeopleHandling #Instructor #Course #QQI #OPS
IES Continuous Development Workshop series 2016-2017
The Irish Ergonomics Society workshop takes place on November 25th at DIT Cathal Brugha St. The title is ‘Introduction to Physical Ergonomics Risk Assessment. For full programme details and to register click here: https://lnkd.in/bHFesGP
Photos from Occupational Physiotherapy Solutions - OPS's post
Searching for Physical Activity Guidelines? The Australian Department of Health have published a number of helpful guidelines catering for all age groups! Visit their site here: http://www.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/content/health-pubhlth-strateg-phys-act-guidelines#apaadult