Jane Kollar Fashion
Jane Kollar Fashion © copyright 2014
Januska Artsilk © copyright 2014
I'm artist painter and a fashion designer, so I merged these 2 arts and I'm creating pieces of art on the clothes, and it's really exciting :-)
I am presenting my view of life, things, thinking, everything around us, and process it into image and then even farther into creative designs of garments... I am fascinated by nature, I draw inspiration from it, I love old fairy tales about Fairies, Gnomes and majestic Elves ...
My paintings are full of my inner fantasie.
For my fashion I chose the silk, this fabric is very old, with a lots of stories through civilizations, luxury, noble and gentle to the touch, in my opinion, is still the Empress of all fabrics ...
There is all about my art, my artworks and products, all of my inner world, imagination, dreams, reality and beyond, magic and love ....
Vše o mém umění, moje umělecká díla a výrobky, vše o mém vnitřním světě, imaginaci, snění, realitě i mimo ni, magii a lásce....