Southgate Shopping Centre
SouthGate Shopping offers an excellent alternative to shoppers to shop in comfort, in this open streetscape development, with shops and cafes fronting onto the boulevard that runs through the centre of the development.
Southgate have a number of stores that are waiting to serve you:
Zu Zu Cafe
Relish Cafe Coffee Shop & Deli
Southgate Pharmacy
Southgate Barbers
Conor's Butchers
Southgate Florist
Southgate Newsagent
Dunnes Stores
Renaissance Hair & Beauty
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Hiding there now
How WILL you choose?? What's your favourite? The Deli counter is well stocked and ready for you at Relish Southgate today. YUM!
Transformation Thursday ✂️ #southgatebarbers #barberlife
It's gonna be May
Call me Dora #illexploreya #droghedabyday
it's us again, back with a swing👸🏽👸🏽💫 #butlerschocolate #hereggwasdisgraceful #givemethatneck
Roll up on me #ChirpChirpBitch
Setup famalam☂️
VLOG NUMERO QUATRO in the Bio Pals and Gals🤘🏻 check that shtuff out🤘🏻
Busy morning! I'm up poles everywhere #politics #internetsafety #protectourkids
Honestly have been having the most creative and fun times of my life lately, loving it!🍞 and always more to come🥔
Good morning world.