CountryWide RTE Radio 1
Countrywide, a bright start to your Saturday morning. Tune in 8.10am, RTE Radio 1.
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RTÉ Radio 1
Listener Hagen Wenger sent us this note of wind energy. Dear Countrywide, you simply should not give those "wind turbines are noisy and we want to be compensated for that" groups any air time. I am sick of hearing that kind of rubbish on Irish radio. Professional journalism is doing your research first and then presenting objective facts and not giving everybody air time to voice their opinion. The noise of the wind around the houses is two orders of magnitude higher than any noise from the turbines which is limited by law. Apart from that after a while the brain will cancel out any repetitive noise and it will not be noticed any longer. The only grounds to objections to wind turbines is shadow flicker which is limited by law to 30 minutes per year and is calculated for every house during the planning process. In case of the flicker time potentially exceeding the time allowed the control software will accumulate this time and shut the system down in case it is exceeded even for a single dwelling. The biggest creators of noise in the Irish country side are the farmers and farming contractors and their outrageously loud machinery running often until late into the night. If there are any regulations about the maximum noise level of those they are certainly not enforced.
My farming week: Seán Rowlette, Croagh, Dromore West, Co Sligo
What a great story and some singer that Leanne!
Timeline Photos
Win a Calor Mini BBQ Tune in just after 8 RTÉ Radio 1 1 for a competition to get your padded cooking mitts on this cool and very portable BBQ from Calor Ireland- in anticipation of a blistering May Holiday weekend Some details: Specially designed and manufactured by @CalorIreland , it’s the smartest piece of outdoor cooking kit you’ll ever need. With space to carry a 400g gas cartridge, a grilling plate size of 354mm wide x 269 mm high, a wooden lid that doubles as a chopping board and a weight of only 10.5 kg hidden underneath the red and navy exterior of this lightweight, portable and seriously stylish mini BBQ. ( and the usual RTE terms and conditions apply
Irish Wingsuit Team
Tea tasting with Suzanne
Grown your own Tea! Suzanne Campbell has Tea on the menu tomorrow with Tea plant from Mr Middleton Garden Shop and tasting tea in the video with Paul O'Toole from Bewley's - Easter Sat ..8am RTÉ Radio 1
Photos from CountryWide RTE Radio 1's post
Up after 8: Ban Brazilan Beef with MEP Marian Harkin, Michael O'Leary Ryanair talks Aberdeen Bull, horses on National Day and sticks the boot in along the way, some words on drinking and driving in South Co. Limerick Limerick Leader and Leo Powell joins us live from Aintree Racecourse
Photos from CountryWide RTE Radio 1's post
On from 8 RTÉ Radio 1 Brenda Donohue goes all organic and surfing, Kofi Annan talks insects and EU-Agri subsidies, John Fagan and Declan Bowens Vego-Vegan Education on the Go. Caitriona Murphy Irish Farmers Journal Matt O'Keefe Irish Farmers Monthly and The Shalveys talk Big Week On the Farm RTÉ One
Cowabunga with Brenda
From professional surfing to growing spuds, Lahinch, in Clare, is the perfect location for world renowned surfer Fergal Smith. Brenda Donohue met Fergal on the beach as he returned from a quick surf and she asked him "How were the waves and how are the spuds" Well, not in so many words. Fergal is not growing vegetables simply to sell them. Rather, he has a vision that this plot will become a community-owned allotment. Community supported agriculture Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) farms are his model, where consumers buy local, seasonal produce directly from a farmer. The full interview is on CountryWide RTE Radio 1 from 8am Sat 1 April.. and no it's not one for the day that's in it! RTÉ Radio 1