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facebook.comBeing Truly Thankful Our gratitude deepens when we begin to be thankful for being alive during this time and living the life we are living. Often when we practice being thankful, we go through the process of counting our blessings, acknowledging the wonderful people, things and places that make up our reality. While it is fine to be grateful for the good fortune we have accumulated, true thankfulness stems from a powerful comprehension of the gift of simply being alive, and when we feel it, we feel it regardless of our circumstances. In this deep state of gratitude, we recognize the purity of the experience of being, in and of itself, and our thankfulness is part and parcel of our awareness that we are one with this great mystery that is life. It is difficult for most of us to access this level of consciousness as we are very caught up in the ups and downs of our individual experiences in the world. The thing to remember about the world, though, is that it ebbs and flows, expands and contracts, gives and takes, and is by its very nature somewhat unreliable. If we only feel gratitude when it serves our desires, this is not true thankfulness. No one is exempt from the twists and turns of fate, which may, at any time, take the possessions, situations, and people we love away from us. Ironically, it is sometimes this kind of loss that awakens us to a thankfulness that goes deeper than just being grateful when things go our way. Illness and near-miss accidents can also serve as wake-up calls to the deeper realization that we are truly lucky to be alive. We do not have to wait to be shaken to experience this state of being truly thankful for our lives. Tuning in to our breath and making an effort to be fully present for a set period of time each day can do wonders for our ability to connect with true gratitude. We can also awaken ourselves with the intention to be more aware of the unconditional generosity of the life force that flows through us regardless of our circumstances.
Purpose Humans for the most part are not born consciously knowing what their purpose is and it must be found through exploration. Most living things belong to a particular soul group and are born knowing their purpose in life. An animal will spend its day foraging for food, taking care of itself and its young, and creating a home. No one tells an animal to do this, yet it instinctively knows how. Humans, for the most part, are not born consciously knowing what their purpose is. Purpose gives our life meaning. When you discover your purpose, you can live your life with intention and make choices that serve your objective for why you are here on the planet. Finding your purpose is not always easy. You must embrace life wholeheartedly, explore many different pathways, and allow yourself to grow. Your purpose is as unique as you are and will evolve as you move through life. You don't need anyone's permission to fulfill your purpose, and no one can tell you what that purpose is. Finding and fulfilling your purpose can be a lifelong endeavor. To figure out what your purpose is, ask yourself what drives you � not what forces you out of bed in the morning, but what makes you glad to be alive. Make a list of activities that you wish you were involved in or think about a career path that you would love to embark upon. These are the endeavors that can help you fulfill your purpose and bring you the most satisfaction. Picture yourself working on projects that don't interest you or fulfill your purpose, yet they help satisfy your basic survival needs. Imagine how living this way each day would make you feel. Next, picture yourself devoting your time to projects that spark your imagination, inspire, excite, and satisfy you. More often than not, these activities are some of the ways that you can fulfill your life purpose. Time spent on these endeavors will never feel like a waste. Live your life with purpose, and you will feel significant and capable because every action you take and each choice you make will have meaning to it.
Looking forward to tonight's classes ladies :) Here are a few words to reflect on ... Being Gentle with Ourselves: So often we are sabotaging ourselves by being in our own way without even knowing we are doing so. During those times when our lives are filled with what seems to be constant change and growth, it is important to remember that we need to be gentle with ourselves. Since it can be easy to use our energy to keep up with the momentum of our lives, we may not be aware of the fact that we are much more likely to run ourselves down. When things seem to be moving quickly, it is especially essential that we make a point to slow down and be gentle with ourselves. It might be difficult to notice what is happening to us for we may be so caught up in the whirlwind of our lives that we lose sight of the direction in which things are heading. Being gentle with ourselves doesn't mean that we don't accomplish things. Instead it means that we honor ourselves on an ongoing basis and take care of the needs of our bodies. This means different things to different people. For instance, it could mean having a session with a healer; taking a remedy, herbs, or vitamins; or getting extra sleep. Putting our energy into ourselves in this way helps create space for a more positive, loving, and accepting view of our lives. By setting the intention to do so, we will be more cognizant of our energy levels on a daily basis and more able to replenish them as needed. The more we are able to treat our bodies with gentleness, the more tenderness and compassion we will call forth into our lives. Learning to understand and pay attention to what our self needs will in turn allow us to fill our lives with unlimited loving and healing energy and to truly take care of the things that mean the most to us.
Hi everyone, I know last week we chatted and I said I would go ahead with tonights Pilates class in Greenbank even though its a bank holiday ....Well, I've just been made aware that there is a concert being held downstairs in Greenbank this evening from 7:30pm. This may interfere with the Pilates class ...also a few folks have texted saying they are unable to make the class anyway, so in light of this, I am going to cancel tonight's class :)
Feeling great today! Finally my energy levels are back to normal 😊 I'm really looking forward to getting back into all classes this week! See you all as usual tomorrow night 7pm for pilates at Greenbank 😉
Hi folks, l'm loads better but not quite well enough yet to teach, so no yoga class this evening. I want to be fully well, so I'll take the rest and I'll be on best form next week. Thank you all for your patience and understanding x
I'm grateful for feeling better .....the antibiotics are working. Please bear with me but I'm still not ready for leading our class. I'm hoping to be ready for yoga this week Thursday. Thank you for your understanding and patience 💕x
Unfortunately I'm still not recovered from this chest infection. I've been to the doctor today and been given a double dose of antibiotics for bronchitis...I'll be off work this week as well so no pilates or yoga classes 😞
I've had a horrible throat and chest infection this week - very poor timing weather wise, but is there ever a good time ?! I'm still not back on my feet so unfortunately I'm having to cancel classes for the rest of this week - that's pilates in Brian Ogs this evening and yoga at Quigley's point tomorrow evening. I expect all classes to be back as usual next week 😊 x
Hi Everyone, I've been asked to stay on at work this evening till 10pm to undertake a webex training. Unfortunately this means no pilates class this evening. I'm sorry to cancel at such late notice but I really can't say no 😞
Hi Everyone, I hope you've been having a wonderful Easter break 😊. I too have been enjoying a well deserved rest this week, and my voice box is feeling the benefits, so I'm going to cancel tonights yoga class at Quigley's point and will see you next Thursday. I know you'll understand x 😊
Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mums I know ! I hope you have a fabulous day today, you deserve it 💕🌞