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Koryukan Cork

Unit 4 City North Business Park Dublinhill,, Cork, Ireland
Recreation & Fitness



Koryu Uchinadi Cork (Koryukan Cork) is Corks only fulltime traditional Karate Dojo, With classes Monday to Thursday mornings and evenings.
Koryu Uchinadi Kenpo Jutsu is a full contact, non sport orientated traditional karate .

At KU Cork we are focused on the quality of training and the  progression of all our members from a physical, philosophical and holistic viewpoint.

The club is run on a non profit basis and after costs, where possible all monies are put towards the costs of insurance,Subsidising IRKRS membership, providing/upgrading equipment, subsidising trips for seminars and running regular charity fund raising events .
KU Cork accounts are managed by the club Committee.

Sensei Joe Glavin is the chief instructor at Koryu Uchinadi Karate Cork and holds a Yondan in Shotokan, Sandan in Koryu Uchinadi and is also accredited with a Shidoin level Koryu Uchinadi Instructors licence from Hanshi Patrick McCarthy.
(The first in Cork)

Also teaching at the club is assistant instructor Sensei Paul Dervan who holds a Nidan grade in Shotokan and Nidan grade in Koryu Uchinadi. Sensei Dervan is also a qualified primary school teacher.

One of our greatest attributes is our direct link to one of the most sought after martial artists in the world today, Hanshi Patrick McCarthy (9th Dan). All our members are registered with the International Ryukyu Karate Research Society (IRKRS)

We also have access to many European KU Instructors, Renshi Olaf Krey 5th Dan (Germany), Renshi Ante Branbacka 5th Dan (Finland) Shidoin Jim Sindt 5th Dan (Denmark), Shidoins Walker, Murphy & Renshi Damien Costello (Ireland). Frequent training seminars are held here in Ireland and across Europe, the United States & Australia (the home of Hanshi McCarthy)

All members are covered by the clubs insurance when attending seminars or training events.


Kyoshi Ante Brannbacka & Kyoshi Olaf Krey London 2017

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Good morning folks ! Just in case you've been wondering where I've been (still am) Training is at the normal time tonight and Wednesday with paul Dervan Sensei. Remember we are training next Sunday !!! Have a great day !! Joe.

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Want to know more ? You know what to do :-)

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You are the master of your own destiny :-)

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Something to think about ;-)

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If you need any assistance just call :-) 0863761669.

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Have a great day folks !!!!

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Have a good night folks !!!!

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