EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques is an Energy based Psychology for mental/emotional & physical healing. Tapping on energy points, returning us to health. EFT Tapping Cork – Emotional Freedom Techniques
My guarantee to you, the client: Using Emotional Freedom Techniques in my Cork practise, great care and sensitivity is taken to ensure that your physical & emotional issues are gently dealt with in a safe environment. EFT tapping Cork is highly effective for physical & emotional issues that make us feel ‘stuck’. Being a professional singer, performance anxiety, stage fright, exam panic, are areas I have previously experienced and understand personally.
More recent work is in conjunction with Ivor Browne, retired Professor of Psychiatry, unveiling underlying causes in clients labelled as clinical depression and bi-polar disorder.
See REVIEWS for other illnesses.
My speciality is accessing core issues fast. I find it more efficient to firstly detect the core issue, then work forward from this point to heal the past. ‘Core issue’ refers to the basic cause underlying a condition. I’ve also studied NLP, Bio-Energy, Regression therapy, Journey Processing, Meditation, Visualisation and, where helpful, I utilise these tools in treatments to enhance positive lasting effect.
I became convinced of its power through witnessing the many physical and emotional problems healing with EFT. Tapping often works where nothing else will. It reveals buried emotions that hold people back from living in peace. My promise to you is to do all I can to help you arrive at your GREATEST POTENTIAL in life. You’re never too far away from me for help, as I offer Skype treatments, allowing you to partake from the comfort of your own home or to attend in person. “3 Skypes and I beat all opponents in LA’s Women’s Open qualifiers.”
May 2015 – Daniel O’ Sullivan: “I’d like you to know you have been the best, most helpful and most genuinely caring therapist I’ve ever gone to. I’ve attended 6 different clinical psychologists, all of whom, even the better ones, came nowhere near helping me through my emotional stuff to the extent that you did Neasa. Nor were they anywhere near as caring, or available. Thank you”.
March 2015 – Soni – Childhood trauma: “When you tap on me you have an intuitive understanding of what I felt the moment the trauma happened. You give a voice to feelings I’d no idea how to express – Incredible and truly a gift”
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facebook.comDread, Procrastination, Self sabotage, Anxiety, Panic, Exhaustion may all be linked by 1 cause
Archangel Michael clearly on my side. My bag overweight and the lovely Aer lingus lady just checked it in Free of charge. Goodbye France.X
NOW, HOW DID THIS FEATHER GET LOOPED INTO MY T-SHIRT Must be these Italian angels - San Remo, Italy.
Thank U Adela Fontova Navarro for sharing this
#GreatestPotential #PerformanceAnxiety #StageFright #ExamNerves #PerformanceEnhancement
#GreatestPotential #PerformanceAnxiety #StageFright #ExamNerves #PerformanceEnhancement
Lovely lady Kyera Yalte, angelic healer and passionate discoverer of happiness, and Elizabeth Wood discuss the fine points of really achieving true joy.