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Diverse Performance : Personal Trainer & Fitness Instructor

Unit 9 Longs Yard , Tower Street, Cork, Ireland
Personal Trainer



Personal Trainer And Fitness Instructor


Start your personal training journey today! . . Completely private . . 1-1 or 1-2 . . PAYG Options . . No start up fees . . Monthly plans available. . Located right in the city centre with free parking! . . Email today to enquire @ or phone us on 0830482891 . . 💚🔥

DIVERSE BOOTCAMP . . So as the summer is fast approaching and people have holidays planned or best case scenario we actually get sun in Ireland , People won’t want to be spending too much time indoors! . . So in saying that I’m delighted to announce I will be running a bootcamp class twice a week on a Monday evenings at 7pm & Saturday mornings at 9am . . The class will be capped at 12 people , it will be €6 PAYG or €10 for the 2 classes! . . The class will be high intensity with a mix of barbells , dumbbells , body weight and a few extra bits that I have here in the gym 😏 . . The class will be starting on the 23rd of April but I will be taking names now so secure your spot via private message! . . All levels of fitness welcomed! . . Secure your space now via private message and also like and share 🙏🏼☀️

The famous track.. . . So I think we’re all guilty of the “I’ve fallen off track “ when we miss the gym for a few days or miss a meal or two . . Fact 1 - There is no track . . Fact 2 - You can’t fall off it . . Fact 3 - You can’t punish yourself for something that doesn’t exist ? . . We see people repeatedly beat themselves up for missing a few days at the gym, and I think people need to realise that it’s ok to miss a day or two , it’s ok to miss a meal , will it affect your long term results ? Unless you make a habit out of it and completely stop then probably not . . The last 2 weeks have been my first proper 2 weeks training in about 8 weeks ? Did I beat myself up ? Kind of, not really! I’ve been training consistently for over 2 years a few weeks off isn’t going to hurt me, gives me a chance to regenerate and get the mental drive to go back at it! . . We shouldn’t make working out a chore , we should enjoy it , feel rewarded from it , look forward to it , not dread walking into a gym every day , not dreading cooking a few meals on a Sunday night ? If you find yourself in this position , mix it up a bit , try some crossfit , try a class , try getting a new programme because sometimes we just need to add something different to our routine ? . . We live in a generation now where Fitness and social media has such a huge impact on how we live our lives , whether it’s to impress people , get a few likes , a few followers etc.. Let me tell you , you will never ever ever enjoy it if you’re doing it for someone or something that has no physical matter on your life! . . Now ignore the tracks , leave them for the trains and trains only, enjoy your training , if you’re not enjoying it , mix it up , take a break , and just find a way to enjoy it 🙏🏼💚 . . Have a great Sunday! 🌟

Goal Setting . . Why do we do it ? Does it make it easier ? Slightly Yes, Does it make the end result more rewarding ? Yes , And does it add structure ? Totally . . Always remember a goal set in the gym can be anything whether it’s to learn how to use the leg press , add 2kg to your bench , become more flexible , prevent an injury etc.. There’s no such thing as a silly goal! But there is such thing as a non realistic goal . I want to add 20kg to my bench in 4 weeks ? Maybe not possible , I want to drop from a size 18 to a size 8 in 6 weeks ? I wouldn’t fancy it . . We must get into routine of setting ourselves goals no matter how big or small , set a short term goal and ask yourself , what are you going to do to get there ? Set a long term goal 3-4 months down the line again, what will you do to get there ? . . When we set goals it’s not about how or why we’re gonna get there, it’s about what changes are you going to implement into your lifestyle to achieve those goals - Whether it’s getting a PT, joining a gym , adding a 20 min walk once a week , adding more veg to certain meals .. Some times people expect results to come easy , but remember there’s no such thing as a quick fix in this industry and if you’ve been told there is , then be aware! We must work towards our goals slowly so that we can 1. Achieve them safely and 2. Maintain them long term . . If you need help setting your goals ahead of the summer or have some goals in mind that you’d like to get working on then feel free to email me at , send a private message or contact me directly on 0830482891 via phone call or what’s app! . . Let’s set some goals! 😊💚

Was great having @emmaherlihyy in again this week for another solid PT session . . Delighted to be helping Emma stay on top of her training as she prepares to head off to Ibiza for 6 months . . If you yourself are heading away on holidays and are looking to get that beach body ready feel free to message me here privately or feel free to email me at and I’ll fill you in on all our personal training packages we have here! . 🌎☀️

Great to see my logo up in AIB on the South Mall! . . Been an absolute hectic month or so and hopefully we’ll keep on expanding!. . For any further Personal Training enquiries , feel free to email Or send us a message on any of our social media pages! 🤙🏼🌟. . Here’s to another great month! 😊

** WHY I DON’T USE A SCALES ** . . So I was talking to a few of my clients mid week just in regards to how they’re finding training as the end of month approaches and how they’re feeling . . FEELING... Not talking about how they’re looking, we meet people who primarily focus on how they look and they will sacrifice so much for a small number on a scales or on a piece of tape but will never work on how they feel . . I know some pretty good bodybuilders who have told me they’ve never felt worse while prepping for a show but have looked the best ever, what is the point is focusing so much on how you look when , emotionally and internally you can feel crap . . Yes, I am aware that a lot of people train towards a better physical appearance as do I, but I think people really neglect setting an emotional goal - More confidence , Happier , Energetic , Proud , Positive.. These emotions alone will allow you to feel so much better and trust me this is achievable through physical activity . . We can’t depend on a number on a scales and just let it dictate our moods, ya if you are a numbers person , use it as a guide. I prefer taking pictures , take one at the start and one every 3/4 weeks. Don’t get too caught up on something that can be smashed in a few seconds or something that can be easily put in a bin. . You train for you, not for a number, not for anyone else , not for a few likes or followers, train for you and just realise a number on a scales can have such a huge impact on people’s minds so if you are that type of person just put away the scales , enjoy your training , set some small goals and work away towards them don’t feel the need to be pressured by numbers . . Love Yourself 💚 . .

** Client Testamonial ** . . Everyone, meet Marky. Mark has been training with me consistently for 8-10 weeks now. But you may also remember Marky from way back when , when I trained him in my previous job! . . Mark came to me to learn , not just how to lose weight , but how the body works , how we could improve his movement, his flexibility, his posture , and just take a diverse approach to his training . As Mark works 12 hour shifts mostly sitting down we got him started with the basics but we’re 100% moving in the right direction for sure !. . “So I started PT in a local gym with Joe in May 2016 which feels like a lifetime ago. Back then my goal was to lose weight . During the time I spent doing PT with Joe my knowledge of using the gym got far better and I started to see results I never thought I would get. . Soon After Joe had decided to make to biggest step and move to canada where his knowledge and expertise had an enormous effect on him. When he came back I decided to give PT another go as I wasn't seeing anymore results , I lost all motivation and I think I came to a point that my body had enough. . From starting the first day with Joe he did a full assessment on me which was a new experience to me as he checked how my body moved and then broke down how many sessions a week would be required and how we together were going to structure my training .During the first number of weeks I did exercises and movements I have never seen or did before. Before I knew it I was feeling the huge benefits and never felt better. I had problems I didn't even know that existed. Joe's knowledge and expertises is second to none and is the only coach I know around who can do this amazing work. I couldn't recommend him enough and would highly recommend in going to him. Thanks Joe and for all your help and I look forward to working with you thought 2018! “ . . Keep up the great work Mark 💚🔥

Mindful Positivity & how it plays a vital role in your fitness wellbeing . I think in this journey we call life the best attribute one can possess is that of positive attitude or outlook . This isn’t implying you are going to feel positive always (that is simply unrealistic and the foundation of what causes a lot of stress and unhappiness in people’s lives) - it simple means that in these times in your life when things aren’t going so well that you can accept that this is part of life and part of being human . Think of a heart beat on a monitor - it has ups and it has downs - right? That in essence IS life - this balance and liner state people are searching & yearning for simply doesn’t exists. In-fact once you reach that state on a heart monitor -you’ve flatlined! . For me personally fitness has been a huge part of my over all wellbeing (coupled with nutrition that is) it has allowed me to view life more positively by naturally increasing my serotonin, dopamine & endorphins levels. ORaising these chemicals in my body boosts my mood and overall sense of well-being. However since I began weight training (some 12 years ago 🙈) my view on its role in my life has certainly evolved, along with my mind frame towards its significance in my life! It began as an aesthetic habit and developed far beyond that now thankfully . Physical fitness is now part of my daily lifestyle (it’s not an 8 week programme I’m doing, although the intensity and variations change at different intervals depending on my personal requirements) Over all physical fitness is a depression prevention habit I have cultivated and a mood stabiliser I depend on to sustain my mental and emotional wellness. Do I want to train every time I’m planning to go...... hell no!!!! Some days I’m less enthusiastic. But for me personally each time is a conscious decision towards over all wellbeing and mental clarity. When asked recently on a podcast interview if I thought the work i put into ensuring my holistic wellness is “a lot effort” I said “yes it certainly is effort - it is conscious to begin, as with any necessary change you wish to make. But with repetition comes habit - and now the healthy conscious choices of wellness is my life. Did it require me to think, act and make sacrifices - certainly! Was it easy - at times, no it wasn’t. Is it worth it? For me personally at this point in my life, I am extremely happy with the choices i make daily and the benefits for me are endless. Opportunities align for me daily. I am connected with the most inspiring energetic forward thinking people. The light bringers, the magic makers, the world shifters, the game shakers . If I had one bit of fitness advice from my journey so far it would be this - shift your focus from the aesthetic to the kinaesthetic! Focus on raising your vibrations through physical movement be that yoga or weight training or a variety of options in between - when you feel good you look good, no matter what shape or size you are. Enjoy the activity you engage in (for the most part) if you are seriously dreading doing any form of working out then you haven’t found the right exercise for you. Incorporate fun, give yourself the best chance of success - and if you fail or miss a session, so what, no big deal! Get back on track again as soon as possible and realign . After all success is the sum of small efforts repeated daily. Don’t be the “All or Nothing” person - this mind frame rarely cultivates long term integration and can lead to compulsive behaviour and giving up. Little daily tweaks to your routine and lifestyle ensures easy adaptation and sets you up for long term change. How to incorporate change into your fitness routine View change like a marathon where you will require the following skills : endurance -establishing your base level to preform effectively at any given area of your life not just fitness pacing - energy rationing which leads into endurance. Ensuring you are mentally and physically fuelling yourself appropriately to cope with any pressure your body is under sprinting - the ability to move up the ranks quickly and ability to finish strong when opportunity arrives and advantage can be taken recovery - never underestimate or under value the importance of rest and recovery in the over all journey of success in life After all we are human beings, not human doings! Get to know your body and what works for you individually - there are times when you will have excess energy to burn and will benefit from high intensity work outs and there are times when light training will be required, if your energy levels are quite low. Listen to your body and adapt to what suits you. This will ensure you enjoy your physical fitness activities and promote it becoming a lifestyle integration instead of a quick fix or fad solution and now the healthy conscious choices of wellness is my life. Did it require me to think, act and make sacrifices - certainly! Was it easy - at times, no it wasn’t. Is it worth it? For me personally at this point in my life, I am extremely happy with the choices i make daily and the benefits for me are endless. Opportunities align for me daily. I am connected with the most inspiring energetic forward thinking people. The light bringers, the magic makers, the world shifters, the game shakers. If I had one bit of fitness advice from my journey so far it would be this - shift your focus from the aesthetic to the kinaesthetic! Focus on raising your vibrations through physical movement be that yoga or weight training or a variety of options in between - when you feel good you look good, no matter what shape or size you are. Enjoy the activity you engage in (for the most part) if you are seriously dreading doing any form of working out then you haven’t found the right exercise for you. Incorporate fun, give yourself the best chance of success - and if you fail or miss a session, so what, no big deal! Get back on track again as soon as possible and realign. After all success is the sum of small efforts repeated daily. Don’t be the “All or Nothing” person - this mind frame rarely cultivates long term integration and can lead to compulsive behaviour and giving up. Little daily tweaks to your routine and lifestyle ensures easy adaptation and sets you up for long term change. How to incorporate change into your fitness routine View change like a marathon where you will require the following skills : endurance -establishing your base level to preform effectively at any given area of your life not just fitness pacing - energy rationing which leads into endurance. Ensuring you are mentally and physically fuelling yourself appropriately to cope with any pressure your body is under sprinting - the ability to move up the ranks quickly and ability to finish strong when opportunity arrives and advantage can be taken recovery - never underestimate or under value the importance of rest and recovery in the over all journey of success in life After all we are human beings, not human doings! Get to know your body and what works for you individually - there are times when you will have excess energy to burn and will benefit from high intensity work outs and there are times when light training will be required, if your energy levels are quite low. Listen to your body and adapt to what suits you. This will ensure you enjoy your physical fitness activities and promote it becoming a lifestyle integration instead of a quick fix or fad solution.

So, what next ? . . I know the summer is only around the corner and a lot of people have holidays planned , weekends away, and whatever else! . . Common enough , people prefer more outdoor activities ( Maybe not as much in Ireland) but in saying that I would like to bring something Diverse this summer . . If anybody has any suggestions or something they would like to see this summer that hasn’t been done before then feel free to comment below or send me a DM . . It can be anything between , an outdoor PT , outdoor classes , Mommy Daddy bootcamps, open days , charity events , collaborations with other gyms and influencers , summer BBQ and any other ideas that people may think of! . . Thanks in advance 💚🔥

Ladies and gents , meet Emily! Emily is not only an amazing mother to a kid who is now a good buddy of mine but is also a full time worker , cross fit addict , coffee addict and known just as much for her popular Instagram account @fatty_too_fabulous . . Today Emily has taken over our Instagram story and has gone through a day in her life and I must say the response off it has been great and very kind supportive messages . . I have been training Emily since my return from Canada and here’s a small few words from Emily herself . . “I don’t train for the physical appearance or anything like that. I train to be a happy, healthy mum for Harry. I want to be able to keep up with him & join in with his activities. I don’t weigh myself and thats what I like about training with Joe (he doesn’t have a scales in the gym) he has never asked me to step on a scales. He goes on if I am lifting heavier weights and progressing weekly “. . Well done Emily 💚🔥

So the other day I had @edel_coyne take over my story for the day and you guys got a little insight to the life of Edel and what she gets up to on the daily, saying that, here’s what Edel had to say about personal training with myself . . “ I had been training for a year, did a photoshoot and hit a wall. Lost all motivation, so I decided to start training with Joe to adopt a ‘diverse’ approach to my training. I’ve been doing PT now for 10weeks & I can honestly say I have learned so much in such a short period of time. Each session is very different, challenging & so enjoyable. Joe is very approachable and is always on hand to give great advice. I have no doubt both him and Diverse Performance will do great. 🖤💚”
