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Charliesbar Unionquay, 2, union quay, cork

2 Union Quay, Cork, Ireland
Performance & Sports Venue



Open all mornings except Sunday at 7am also Bank Holiday Saturday and Monday. Pub full of character & characters. known for great blues/rock/trad/folk.


It's re-fresher week. Atmosphere electric. A lot of usual friendly faces. Klub music at the ready with usual dj's. See you during the week. Admittance with 2 forms of ID.

Happy new year. As per usual, our Lee Trad Music Session will begin @ 3pm. The fire is lighting and the kettle is boiling. It's also sinner Sunday so beamish and fosters are €3.30 all day. One of the longest running traditional music sessions is in Charlies bar every Sunday at 3 pm. The session is hosted by Cork's own Sean O'Driscoll, both a sweet and rhythmic banjo player and a fine hand on the old style button accordion, along with his wife Mary O'Driscoll on the fiddle. To keep the session fresh and real, each Sunday features a different guest musician, an ever changing array from some of Cork's and Ireland's finest traditional players.It is equally popular with musicians, listeners and tourists with Sean keeping the session friendly and fun but also making sure to keep the music swinging. You never know who will turn up for a few tunes, for the chat and the laugh, to sing a song or just to listen and have a few pints. Its never dull.

Happy New Year everybody. Due to New Years Day falling on a Sunday we are not licensed to open until 12.30 pm tomorrow. Spread the word. Open Monday January 2nd @ 7 am.

Gig list for January for Charliesbar Unionquay New Year's Day Sunday 1st Lee Trad Music Session 3PM €0 One of the longest running traditional sessions with Sean & Mary O'Driscoll. Monday 2nd Hank Wedel and Ray Barron @ 9.30PM €0 Residency since 1994. An acoustic guitar/vocal and mandolin duo. Tasty Thursday 5th with Jawbone @ 9.30 pm €0 folk, blues, country and good old fashioned rock 'n' roll Friday 6th Mashed Potatoes @ 10.30 pm €0 Good time funk and soul from Cork's finest. Saturday 7th The Watermelons @ 10.30 pm €0 Blues/rock consisting of drums,bass,guitar & sax. Sinner Sunday 8th Lee Trad Music Session 3PM €0 One of the longest running traditional sessions with Sean & Mary O'Driscoll. Monday 9th Hank Wedel and Ray Barron @ 9.30PM €0 Residency since 1994. An acoustic guitar/vocal and mandolin duo. Tasty Thursday 12th Eileen Healy & friends @ 9.30 pm €0 Voc/fiddle and harmonies. Friday 13th The Hecklin' Dogs @ 10.30 pm €0 Rhythm, blues, rock & roll. Saturday 14th Hot Guitars @ 10.30 pm €0 Don't dance too close as they are hot stuff. Sinner Sunday 15th Lee Trad Music Session 3PM €0 One of the longest running traditional sessions with Sean & Mary O'Driscoll. Monday 16th Hank Wedel and Ray Barron @ 9.30PM €0 Residency since 1994. An acoustic guitar/vocal and mandolin duo. Tasty Thursday 19th Snaggletooth @ 9.30 pm €0 Mix of country, bluegrass and blues. Friday 20th Hot Blooded Animals @ 10.30 pm €0 Classic rock group with a jukebox sized catalogue of tunes. Saturday 21st Crow Black Chicken @ 10.30 pm €0 folk and hard rock with the blues rock of all bands. Sinner Sunday 22nd Lee Trad Music Session 3PM €0 One of the longest running traditional sessions with Sean & Mary O'Driscoll. Monday 23rd Hank Wedel and Ray Barron @ 9.30PM €0 Residency since 1994. An acoustic guitar/vocal and mandolin duo. Thursday 26th Tasty Thursday Sessions @ 9.30 pm €0 Traditional, contemporary folk and blues songs. Friday 27th Bad Boy Blues @ 10.30 pm €0 Exactly what it says on the tin. Saturday 28th Dr. Dec & the Side Effects @ 10.30 pm €0 pay homage to Bob Dylan ,Rolling Stones and more. Sinner Sunday 29th Lee Trad Music Session 3PM €0 One of the longest running traditional sessions with Sean & Mary O'Driscoll. Monday 30th Hank Wedel and Ray Barron @ 9.30PM €0 Residency since 1994. An acoustic guitar/vocal and mandolin duo. Sent from my iPad

Open for business at 7 am on st. Stephen's morning. Opening hours are 7 am all week EXCEPT NEW YEARS DAY which is 12.30 as its a Sunday.

To all our loyal customers. Wishing you all a very happy Xmas and new year. Hope you can make our Christmas party tonight @ 9. Great music with the dedication blues band (formally the medication blues band). Charlie's angels will be there in plentiful supply- all back home again. There will be festive cheer and some Xmas gifts. Hope you can make it.

Gig list for Charliesbar Unionquay for December. Tasty Thursday 1st Jawbone @ 9.30 pm €0 folk, blues, country and good old fashioned rock 'n' roll Friday 2nd The Rubber Band annual charity event for Simon @ 10.30 pm €0 Doctors from the Cork University Hospital rocking the place for Simon. Saturday 3rd Crazy Chester @ 10.30 pm €0 Americana and country for Johnny Cash, Neil Young Bob Dylan fans. Sinner Sunday 4th Lee Trad Music Session 3PM €0 One of the longest running traditional sessions with Sean & Mary O'Driscoll. Monday 5th Hank Wedel and Ray Barron @ 9.30PM €0 Residency since 1994. An acoustic guitar/vocal and mandolin duo. Tasty Thursday 8th Snaggletooth @ 9.30 pm €0 Mix of country, bluegrass and blues. Friday 9th The Watermelons @ 10.30 pm €0 Blues/rock consisting of drums,bass,guitar & sax. Saturday 10th Dr. Dec and the Side Effects @ 10.30 pm €0 pay homage to Bob Dylan ,Rolling Stones and more. Sinner Sunday 11th Lee Trad Music Session 3PM €0 One of the longest running traditional sessions with Sean & Mary O'Driscoll. Monday 12th Hank Wedel and Ray Barron @ 9.30PM €0 Residency since 1994. An acoustic guitar/vocal and mandolin duo. Thursday 15th Charlie's Christmas with The Medication Blues Band @ 9 pm €0 Bring your dancing shoes. Fun & frolicking. Mulled punch. Friday 16th Hot Clan (members of Hot Guitar) @ 10.30 pm €0 Don't dance too close as they are hot stuff. Saturday 17th Sugar Mountain @ 10.30 pm €0 5 piece playing Americana/country music Sinner Sunday 18th Lee Trad Music Session 3PM €0 One of the longest running traditional sessions with Sean & Mary O'Driscoll. Monday 19th Hank Wedel and Ray Barron @ 9.30PM €0 Residency since 1994. An acoustic guitar/vocal and mandolin duo. Tasty Thursday 22nd Eileen Healy & Friends @ 9.30 pm €0 Voc/fiddle and harmonies. Friday 23rd Crow Black Chicken @ 10.30 pm €0 folk and hard rock with the blues rock of all bands. Saturday 24th Hank Wedel and Ray Barron Xmas Eve Party @ 9 - 11.30 pm €0 Full of Christmas cheer. Sunday 25th Closed. Merry Christmas to all. Monday 26th St. Stephen's Day Hank Wedel and Ray Barron @ 9.30PM €0 Residency since 1994. An acoustic guitar/vocal and mandolin duo. Tasty Thursday 29th Martina Stafford and Mick Daly @ 9.30 pm €0 Traditional, contemporary folk and blues songs. Friday 30th Hank Wedel Triad @ 10.30 pm €0 Irish Americana Rock 'n' Roll with a Cork City Twist. Saturday 31st New Years Eve Blues Rock Band @ 10.30 pm €0 Rocking and rolling into 2017. Sunday 1st New Years Day - Lee Trad Music Session 3PM €0 One of the longest running traditional sessions with Sean & Mary O'Driscoll. Charlie’s Bar 2 UNION QUAY,☎4318342 F8F8 Famous early morning Cork bar full of character & characters. Live music 5 nights a week. Stove fire everyday. Open Mon - Sat from 7am - late. Sundays from 12.30pm (including New Years Day) with lively Trad Music Sunday Sessions at 3pm. Open 7am Bank Holiday Saturday & Monday. »

The hot blooded animals are in the house setting up for a great night. Everyone is in good spirits so bring your dancing shoes.

The return of Hot Guitars or to be politically correct Hot Clan tonight @ 10.30 pm. A night not be to missed. It will be electrifying. They were missed for the last few months.

Folks I know you are all doing a very decent thing by posting about suicide prevention but 1-800 273 8255 is for America, Ireland you can call 116 123 or text 087-2609090 for The Samaritans. Also you can text 51444... Keep it going lads nice to see this kind of thing on Facebook for a change.... yer all pure daycent 👍 December is a difficult month for some people so please there are people out there to talk to.

Charliesbar Unionquay, 2, union quay, cork

Crazy Chester are in the house setting up for a great gig. Looks like it's going to be another great weekend of music.

Charliesbar Unionquay, 2, union quay, cork

Hope to see ye again soon.


NEAR Charliesbar Unionquay, 2, union quay, cork

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