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Makeshift Ensemble

, Cork, Ireland
Performance Art Theatre



Makeshift Ensemble is a Cork-based company who develop collaborative theatre and produce festivals (Quarter/Quarter Block Party) & professional trainings. We have to date produced, wrote, created three full length theatre productions ('Exit Strategy', 'Osteoporosis', 'No One Can Hear You In There') all of which premiered as part of the Cork Midsummer Festival as part of the WE LIVE HERE platform, Solstice 2012 and Solstice 2011 respectively. As well as two looser, experimental theatre events '...because the bus is always late' a site specific theatre happening at the 2010 Cork Culture Night and the 'Makeshift Christmas Flashmob' and MP3 experiment in December 2010. We also ran a theatre development programme entitled Let's Play!
In 2011/2012 and established Quarter a pop-up arts resource centre in Cork over a three month period in 2012/13. In these two projects alone we organised 20 events including PARABOLA a two day mini-festival, various professional development workshops, visual arts exhibitions, music gigs, theatre nights and short residencies.

In 2015, in association with Southern Hospitality Board, we produced Quarter Block Party, a new arts festival that took over North and South Main St in Cork city for a weekend in February. We look forward to the next instalment in 2016.

Makeshift Ensemble is also founding member of the Firestarter Network.

Makeshift Ensemble are: Eszter Nemethi, Caoilian Sherlock, Leah Hearne, Lydia Fischer-Dooley, Ciara Lenihan, Robert Gould, Charlie Crowley, Aoife LaRocque, Niall Hearne and Úna Hennessy.


A huge thank you to Quarter Block Party, the participants, Esther Rodríguez Barbero, North Main Street, the different speakers and everyone who attended the Talking over a Common Ground at Quarter Block Party talks at St. Peter's Cork, Cork Community Art Link, National Sculpture Factory as well as our funders and partners for making the first meeting of the Common Ground project what it was. Here are some photos of the week!

Delighted to invite you to this series of free talks on the intersection of socially engaged arts, urban planning and Cork's historic spine as part of Quarter Block Party. 31st January - 3rd February at St. Peters on North Main Street

Quarter Block Party 2018 tickets are on sale. Get in there!

Happy Christmas! Don't forget that the deadline for applications for Common Ground is midnight today. To apply: If you have questions email Eszter ( and have a great Boxing Day! (go for walks and have mold wine, ice skate, have beautiful warm conversations and catch up on films + remember to submit the application ;-))

Wishing everyone a very very beautiful Christmas!

One week left to apply to Common Ground a year long training and research project that will take place in Cork and Budapest in 2018-19. The project is organised in collaboration with Quarter Block Party in Cork as well as Artemisszió Alapítvány, Postmodernsquare, Motus Terrae, REDE de Jovens para a Igualdade, REACH - Regional Endeavour for Art, Culture and Health in Europe.

Look at all the line-up announcement for Quarter Block Party today! Tickets are on sale, Christmas around the corner....

A short video of IN SITU our trainingon site-specific theatre methodology we organised two years ago in collaboration with Artemisszió Alapítvány. Don't forget the deadline to apply to Common Ground - call for participants is the 26th December! -video by Asia Dér

!!! CALL FOR APPLICATIONS !!! COMMON GROUND: TRAINING IN SOCIALLY ENGAGED ART TOOLS deadline: 26th December 2017 Common Ground is a training and research project focusing on approaches to working and engaging meaningfully with local communities of place within the internationalised, migratory professional practices of both international youth work and the arts. WHERE: Cork, Ireland & Budapest, Hungary & online WHEN: part time between February 2018 - February 2019 WHO: artists and those working in the social field from Ireland, Portugal, Greece, Serbia, Hungary, Finland Initiated by the Firestarter Network and developed by Makeshift Ensemble (IRL), Artemisszió Alapítvány (HUN) and Postmodernsquare (FIN) together with Motus Terrae (GRE), REDE (POR) and REACH - Regional Endeavour for Art, Culture and Health (SRB) and it is funded by the European Commission. To apply and for more info:

Eszter and Caoilian are doing a residency exploring the values and ideas of the traders and residents of North and South Main Street under the pseudonym 'Office of Good Ideas'. Have a look!

Often we are asked, "But where are you based in the city?" The presumption being that we have an office, a space, a desk maybe... and the answer often (with a wink) is Gulpd. We had more meetings, coffees, hours of work there then we could count or be willing to admit. We also collaborated/cooperated with them on Quarters and Quarter Block Party(s) We danced, we fought, we cried, we made up again, we launched festivals, evaluated rehearsals, fed artists (and ourselves), had eggs (oh the eggs), learnt by heart the art on the walls over the years. We lived in Gulpd. And we are so grateful to Jimmy and Albert and all for the support and help and soundness over the years and more importantly for all that was Gulpd Cafe and plugd!!

Collaborations Toolkit

UPDATE! The technical glitch is sorted and you should be able to get your hands on one of the wonderful HARDCOPY toolkits!


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