Earthquake Cycle
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Tickets to the Fashion Show for your wife will guarantee more great days out on the bike.
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Professional photographer, Fidelma Read has taken some fabulous photos from EQ17. These can be purchased for €5 in high resolution with all proceeds going to Tilaras Trust fund. You can view them on fb: Time for Tilara and go to photos. I'm getting this one for a start.
Time for Tilara
Delighted to be associated with the Time for Tilara team.
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"At times today especially when pelted by sleety hail showers with head and crosswinds while passing lovely, cosy, warm inviting cafes and pubs, the only thing that kept us going was Tilara ....... and also the dogged determination of the b*tch alongside us". Beautifully described by Karen Deenihan of the De Ronde van Cork CC Ladies team. A huge THANK YOU to all the riders who braved the elements today. It really was a tough day on the bike. Thankfully everyone got around the Earthquake Route safely and I can stop worrying. EQ17 will go down as another great event. It was a huge team effort and thank you to the Garda, Medical Team, Drivers, Marshals, Timekeepers and road crew. It couldn't happen without you, Super effort. To everyone who, baked, prepared and served the food and drinks today, you were absolutely amazing. Cully&Sully, your soup was extremely popular and we hope you have a new target market, cold and very wet cyclists. This event relies on some very generous sponsors to which we are extremely grateful. Cafe Velo, Orihuela Costa Cycling, VeloRevolution, Cully&Sully, Mill Grill, Quik Shop and the O'Shea family Midleton. Richard Keating of Youghal CC was the lucky winner of the trip for two to the Orihuela Costa Cycling Camp, i'm certain it will be much warmer than today. Thankyou Noel O'Mahony. To Team Tilara, we hope you achieve your target quickly. You are very motivated and the campaign has really started now. Tilara, you are a gorgeous little girl and we trust your operation will be a big success and you will be pain free. The EQ Team. Ps, who is the dogged B*tch in the photo?
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Finishing times from today's EQ17. Thanks to all the riders and support staff.
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Everyone who met Tilara at Registration this evening was blown away by this beautiful little girl. By entering EQ17 in Midleton tomorrow, you are helping to send her to the USA for the operation she urgently needs that will hopefully change her life and make her pain free. As cyclists, We might suffer for a few hours on our bikes in the cold, wet and wind. Tilara suffers everyday. Registration and HQ is at St John the Baptist NS, Dungourney Rd, Midleton. (Signposted from Main St) Entry €20. Come for refreshments at HQ afterwards and meet Irelands 'Young Person of the Year', Milo McCarthy. Someone is going to the Orihuela Costa Cycling Camp in Spain, just for entering. Thanking all our sponsors, Cafe Velo, Orihuela Costa Cycling, VeloRevolution, Cully&Sully, Kearys Midleton, An Rothar. Special thanks to Nora O'Driscoll - Mill Grill, Quik Shop, St Marys Rd and the O'Shea family Midleton. PLEASE SUPPORT US.
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Revised team starting order for tomorrow. Due to the ongoing road works in Killeagh all teams will ride together to the new starting point by the old thatch in Killeagh. This change was nessaery to ensure rider safety. Teams will depart from Midleton at 8:30.
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Running order for Sunday. First team off at 8:30 3 minute gaps between teams Time is taken on the last member over the line. Please ensure your bike match fit. Best of luck
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Peter French our Master Craftsman has just delivered the EQ17 memorabilia. Is your name on one of them? Maybe just for entering. Registration and Sign On at St John the Baptist NS, Dungourney Rd, Saturday from 4-6pm and from 7am on Sunday. Entry €20. The Team Challenge entry closes tomorrow, ACT NOW if you intend doing it.
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The Old Velos team are ready for EQ17 and have their strategy well planned. Get your team entry to dwhyte@yahoo.com Great to see the De Ronde van Cork Ladies team back. Individual entry and Registration is at St John the Baptist NS, Dungourney Rd on Saturday 4-6pm and from 7am on Sunday.
Entries for the TTT will close the Thursday March 2nd.